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Everything posted by maxi-glasgow

  1. I see Tesco made a recent mistake and won't honour their offer either:- http://crave.cnet.co.uk/laptops/tesco-wont-honour-50-new-ipad-sales-and-heres-why-50007323/
  2. Any chance you could let the rest of us know too? My first question was what difference it makes to insurance between Coupe and Roadster and it appears the Roadster is group 19 and Coupe group 18, but since my XKR is 20 not a problem. Next was road noise and the answers back were not much difference with hood up, and also the comment that they had a few convertibles in the past and the 350 has been by far the best, even against the Z4 convertible so that sounds good to me. They were not sure if golf back would fit in but it looks like it will. So it looks like I will be opting for a Roadster rather than a Coupe this time.... Got guy flying in from Germany at 11:30pm on Thursday night to pay cash for my car so will be looking really quickly.... Just had to get new windscreen fitted, going in to get wheel bearing fitted on Thursday and now need to get a new Bi-Xenon bulb!!
  3. Thanks to Jetset for answering all my questions. Biggest question left which is the biggest of all, will a set of golf clubs still fit in the Roadsters boot? It was a tight enough squeeze in the Coupe, but don't know what the Roadster loses in boot space department..
  4. Might have a buyer for my car sorted so will soon be ready to get myself another Zed. Curious to people's thoughts on whether the Coupe or Roadster is a better buy, I will be buying a 313 model. Is insurance higher for convertible? Never owned a convertible so would like to hear previous or indeed current owners thoughts whether they regretted getting the roadster over a coupe and is road noise higher in the roadster? I mean with the hood up?
  5. Love it where he says at the bottom, sorry for putting boot and roof lumped on top to make the damage look worse..... I don't think it's possible to make it look worse!!!
  6. Just I have seen quite a few 57 plate and 08 plate roadsters and none seem to have bulge bonnet so thought perhaps they didn't roll out to the convertible for some reason. If I was going to take the plunge with an 06 or newer I think I would want a 313 to warrant the extra expense of the tax Went for test drive yesterday in a new 370 but that might just be a bit more than I wanted to pay. Was very nice indeed but I don't know if it's my memory or not but I thought you heard the engine growl from the V6 more in the 350. Can any of the 370 owners confirm this?
  7. Might give this a try on my laptop as it's got a multi-touch screen...
  8. Just been browsing about looking at Zed's again and came across a 59 plate roadster but I notice it doesn't have a bulge bonnet and when I click specs it says 300BHP, did the convertible not get the 313 HR engine at all??
  9. This will be the first tax I have had to buy for the car at the end of February.
  10. Just looking at the ticket in front of me its from Strathclyde Police, Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and it has written as Offence Code 318004 Which I have been trying for days without success to find what the offence actually is?
  11. The notice has a code on it which the policewoman has written in, but I have searched everywhere I can on the net and cant find any list of codes to tell me what the offence actually is. The address is not a business address but the personal address of the guy who owned the garage who I bought the car off as he dealt with transfer of my licence plate from Zed to the Jag so I presume he had to register it to his home address when he went into DVLA.
  12. But that's my whole bugbear about this, absolutely nowhere on the V5 does it say the registered keepers address must be their home address. And especially what difference would it make for insurance. You don't need to own the vehicle to insure yourself to be covered for driving it do you?
  13. Mines was my only car so used daily and done about 40k in about 2 and a half years. I wasn't bothered about dealer servicing so I bought all the consumables myself and it got serviced in my mates garage. Only problem I had in that ownership and those miles were a set of brake pads, rear silencer box (which member on here sold me for buttons) and a battery. Probably spent less in parts and labour on the Zed than on any other car I ever owned. Take the plunge and I guarantee you won't regret it.
  14. Was travelling along the M8 coming home late last Thursday night minding my own business and the traffic cops pulled me in. Knew I hadn't been speeding as I had cruise control on. They asked me into the back of the car and said I was speeding on the M80. I explained to them that I had been nowhere near that road and in fact had just called in and got petrol at Baillieston petrol station before coming back onto M8 so would be impossible for me to get onto M80 and get where I was when they pulled me. They said they would investigate my story but were adamant that it was me they seen 'driving like a bat out of hell' I was livid and basically being called a liar when I know I was in the right. They then went thru all the motions of checking my insurance etc and when they checked the registration the lady over the radio read out it was registered to myself but at a different address than my home address. Now I didn't realise this but I explained what must have happened, when I traded in my 350 the garage transferred over my number plate for me so they went into the DVLA office and took care of everything so when he registered the Jag he had put his home address but my name. The police then proceeded to write me out a fine for 30 pounds saying it must be registered to my home address. Now I have been searching everywhere since and cannot find this piece of legislation as I can see absolutely no reason why my car MUST be registered to my home address, as long as my insurance is at my home address I am not doing anything illegal as far as I could see. Just wondering if there is anyone out there who knows for sure, I don't want to go contesting it to just get a bigger fine. One little fact from a conversation with the ex-copper above was something I never knew, they said if you ever get pulled in by traffics then refuse to go into their car. You are not obliged to do so and they said as soon as you do then they can say you said anything and nothing you could do about it due to their being two of them. This is a very sad statement coming from an ex-copper and shows the regard ordinary police officers have for their traffic counterparts. I wondered if you were to get pulled and they demanded you into the back of their vehicle could you record everything using your mobile or would they no allow that?
  15. What I did notice at the time and I have not seen one mention in the media is that Ferdinand point blank refuses to shake Suarez's hand and in fact pulls his hand back to stop him taking his hand. Why is this not being reported?
  16. I bet those 7 hours flew by. Best trip in my Zed was picking it up in Belfast, driving up to Larne, arse making buttons during the ferry trip dying to get back in it and then an absolutely fantastic trip from Stranraer up to Glasgow. That is a road made for the Zed.
  17. I believe 1.4 is only useful for higher resolutions than HDTVs can actually support, more for monitors. And it depends what type of 3D TV you got as some don't output 3D in 1080P anyway, just 1080i.
  18. In our underground car park my space is longwise like that, so is guy behind me and front of me and then there is a line of space facing into our cars. Guy upstairs must have had someone staying with one of those smart cars and parked in the space between my rear bumper and guy behind me's front bumper. Real pain in the ass as this space is what you use to reverse into when your parking so it takes you 5 or 6 manoeuvres rather than 2. So I reversed right up to their drivers door and guy behind me and driven right up to their passenger door. We were still right within our painted parking space boxes too. I have been in bed ill for a few days and my girlfriend brought in a note where they say thanks for blocking in my girlfriend when it wasn't affecting my access at all..... If I wasn't feeling so crap I would have been livid. As if they were perfectly in their right to park somewhere that's not even a parking space!!!
  19. When I bought the Zed I had the £10.5k in my laptop bag in cash and flew from Glasgow to Belfast where dealer picked me up and took me to his garage. I went test drive while he counted the cash I remember waiting to board plane trying to remember how much cash your allowed to carry without declaring it!!!!
  20. Can't believe all I am reading here. Big Man I don't think this would have happened in England, but we tend to get more people not taking sh1t up here. Just like the riots down in England, if that tried to be started up here the ordinary people would stand up for whats right. We have a history of standing against injustice. Christ, we even crushed the poll tax I can just see everyone up in arms when Smeato and the rest got stuck right into the terrorists who tried to bomb Glasgow Airport. Worrying about the offenders feelings and rights is what has put this country where it is today.
  21. What I couldn't understand about the people who will own this type of car, it will sit in a garage and only come out on weekends when the weather is very nice, get detailed and put back in the garage. What could you possibly use as your daily driver and not be so disappointed driving about in? So I guess my question is, if you can afford this type of car as a weekend plaything what would you have as a daily driver?
  22. I get letters on what seems a bi-monthly rate telling me my tax code has been changed. Does my box in. Got one just two months ago, only benefit from work I have is my family health cover so why it should keep changing confuses me. Then a few weeks ago another letter drops but this time it says I have overpaid my tax and another letter arrived with cheque for £695 Don't know what the article is talking about though about insensitive to underpayers, I have had several of these over the years and it merely means they drop my tax code substantially to recover the outstanding tax over a period of time, never been asked for it in one go or anything...
  23. Just brought the Xbox Gamertag thread to the top of the Off Topic Discussion so everyone can add their gamertags and add others to their friends list.
  24. Bringing this up to the top so people can add each other for Forza 4...
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