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Everything posted by maxi-glasgow

  1. Perhaps this is the reason why you feel such a big difference when you fit the D1 Throttle Controller that EP Racing sell on here as I understand this opens the throttle 100% in all gears.
  2. My girlfriends pal was telling her how she was parked in a bus stop to jump in a shop and came out and the cops told her she was get a fine and 3 penalty points. She started crying and when they asked her what was up she said she currently has 9 points. So they said they would need to caution her. She was due in court last week but the judge postponed it. 3 of her current points are due off in May so her lawyer told her he will try and get getting postponements until then so she won't get banned. I have never heard of getting penalty points for a parking offence in my life, has anyone else heard of this? I have even been search for it and can't find anything, even found article in the telegraph where a mother pulled in as her 9 month baby was having breathing difficulties and as she got out a traffic warden handed her a £70 fine and told her to move on without attending to her baby...no mention of penalty points though... The only thing I can see is you can get 3 points for leaving your car in a dangerous position but how can a bus stop be construed as that?
  3. How much did all the cables come to, I have been swithering about replacing my head unit with a Pioneer double din but don't need sat nav so quite fancied the cheaper FH-P80BT. I see it lots of places for around the £240-£250 mark and I enquired at Hannah autosound regards getting it fitted and they quoted me just over £500 which included all the necessary cables and blanking plate etc. Sounded expensive at first but obviously depends on how much it will cost to get all the connecting harnesses and plate.
  4. Could tell you about loads of bad beats....none more so than late in the tournament when I had A Q up against an all in from pocket 7's. Catch my ace on the flop only for him to catch 4 running spades for a flush.... But made 20th place and got £200 for my troubles.
  5. I take it one of those in the Quay carpark was a Kuro with Irish plate as that was mines. Parked in there all day Saturday and Sunday as was playing in a big poker tournament in the Alea Casino until nearly midnight on Sunday night.
  6. Spotted yesterday, was sitting at the lights waiting to go onto Argyle street where the Marriot hotel is, I came round to go onto expressway heading for Partick. Very nice GM with black bonnet and nice rear spoiler, looked very good indeed, gave the owner a little wave as they were looking straight at me as I drove past. Was too far away to see if the bonnet was black or carbon..
  7. This might be the same car that park down a side street straight across from the new BP Petrol station as your heading from Ibrox to the tunnel. He parks right at the start of the street on the right hand side as your heading towards tunnel.
  8. This is kinda related, when you get the average speed cameras on dual carriageways there are two cameras setup on the same pole. I have been told that each camera is only connected to the same side camera along the route, sounds like rubbish to me as it would mean as you approach a camera you just switch lanes. Anyone else heard this?
  9. I bought GT4 wheels off Bennet and they had Avon ZZ3 tyres on them, my front tyres were needing replaced so just got two new tyres yesterday, they were £109 each fitted at mates garage which isn't too bad when even just buying the tyres from camskill they were coming in at £102 and you still had to pay a garage to fit them. Found them to be very good wet or dry. But I never push my luck in the wet, I always wait till I have straightened up before putting the foot down as heard too many stories of woe on here....
  10. Love the chrome backend, very very different....
  11. You can transfer money from paypal back in to your account!!!! But do you not pay paypal fees to transfer money to your bank account if under £50...
  12. Probably I may not be able to explain exactly WHY it would make a difference, but I'm willing to believe that my own and others' experiences suggest that mixing tyres between the axles can lead to unpredictable grip situations and therefore frequent underwear changes But if you go round a bend at 40mph and the front slides, then surely it would slide just the same if you had the same tyres on the back as it's the front tyres at fault. Similarly if the back slips out this is due to those tyres not having enough grip, not due to the front gripping 'too' much. I have had some underwear change situations with all 4 tyres the same, so I wonder if that was the actual reason or just a case of thinking that is the reason.
  13. I always read in the tyre thread about people warning against running different tyres from front to back, ie Falkens on Front and Bridgestones on the back. I can understand to a certain degree the login in that, but it also baffles me. The tyres are different widths to begin with so don't understand how compounds, tread patterns would make a huge difference. It's not going to have the same effect as running a Bridgestone on the back passenger side and Falken on back drivers side where the traction control could think it has problems. Am I over simplifying this? I have full set of Avons on mines which were on the wheels when I got them off GT4ZED, but the fronts are getting very low now so looking to replace them, haven't priced Avons yet but I gather they may be expensive??? So might look at perhaps Falkens or something else on the front and don't see how much a problem that would be.
  14. Will have had mines 1 year come March and every single time I walk towards it I still look forward to starting it up and hearing that little growl it makes at start up. I am lucky that I live so close to a tunnel, and make an excuse to drive thru it when it's quite as often as possible, drop the windows and floor it in 3rd is the best sound ever..... Even more so now I have the K2 fitted.
  15. I used to get those all the time when I stayed out in the country, they would want to get a race out of you. So you give them one, beat them comprehensively and then THEY take the hump......WTF!!! It would only be once in a blue moon that I would beat someone and they would give me a little flash of their headlights as recognition for a good wee race. Detest guys who when you are on the motorway and you come up to some traffic start weaving up the inside lanes overtaking to get back out in the outside lane further down.
  16. Never noticed. Had came up new street as came from Caffufals.
  17. Was driving from Paisley to Johnstone last night following a mate as didn't know where I was going. We came up to set of lights, left hand lane is for straight ahead and right hand lane is filter to turn right. Police transit is parked in left hand lane about 1 cars length from lights. My mate pulls in front of it more or less leaving me sitting on outside of van. Lights go green to go straight ahead so mate pulls away and so do I, the van also starts moving very slowly forward so I slow down and we are moving side by side about 5mph, I freewheel and he still sits at this speed so I pull away behind my mate as think he is going to be pulling in. Come up to next lights and right hand lane is straight ahead and left hand lane is turn left only. My mate pulls up in right hand lane so I pull up behind him. Police transit pulls up in left hand lane beside me and copper gets out and comes round to my window, I put it down and ask what he wants? He asks what kind of manoeuvre was that I pulled off, I explained that HE was the one illegally parked in a filter lane and should not be pulling away, but I sat driving slowly to allow him out which he didn't do so I had no choice but to continue on my journey, he just looked at me and said 'just pay attention to the road in future' Was absolutely fuming. So as he was walking away, I just said 'you were the one parked not me'. he just drew me a look and got back in the van. Had my blood boiling, who do they think they are.
  18. Can't believe that nobody has quoted Young Frankenstein. One of the great classics along with Blazing Saddles and Stir Crazy. The Hangover is the best comedy in last 10 years or so. Toodaloo muthaf*&*as
  19. Hi mate, I live not far from Partick, just up past Hyndland Yes, 2 minutes away. Anything you need a help with or want to see then let me know, always willing to help. I promise once you buy it you will not be able to stop yourself from the odd modification. I have already changed the wheels, put a K2 exhaust on, the Sat Nav for the cubby hole which a member on this site builds (Nurrish) and best of all the D1 Throttle Controller
  20. from a fellow Glasgow member. Yes, it is a little dream come true, never owned a 2 seater sports car myself before plunging in to the Z last year and never regretted a single minute. Still look forward to driving anywhere, especially when I have it clean and sparkling as people never stop looking.
  21. Spotted this car parked in a side street looking onto Caffufals pub. You would have seen my Kuro, which is absolutely filthy, parked on the main road you would have driven onto. Was a private plate, can't remember exactly but might have started T4 or T7.
  22. I know exactly what you mean, the doors only need a gentle nudge to close properly and sometimes if your in the car and someone gets out it's as if they took a run up and slammed the door. The boot is a million times worse, you only need to let it drop from a couple of inches and the amount of people who take something out then slam it down......never fails to give you the fright of your life if your in the car.
  23. Just before Christmas I went to log on to my Internet Banking just to check my balance before buying some more presents and it wouldn't let me. Phoned up and was eventually told it has been locked due to receiving a phone call from someone trying to get access to my account. Had to re-register for telephone and internet banking. Lady from their fraud department phoned me and said this happens quite a lot, asked if I had recently signed up a direct debit as that's a usual way for someone to snatch account details. I hadn't, but then a couple of days later I got a letter thru from Virgin Mobile which was a welcome letter to taking out a mobile phone. It was my name but the flat number was wrong. I phoned them up and they said it had already been blocked as they were aware of gangs taking out mobile phones falsely. You can take out a service which only costs around £12 a year and they tell you anytime a direct debit etc has been set up. This is a good way to keep track of activity on your account. Still wouldn't stop someone cloning a card and taking money out a cash machine though
  24. I started with Wanadoo who then changed to Orange but then I had a problem at the exchange which knocked out my broadband and took ages to get it fixed because they then need to go to BT to have it fixed etc I decided to move back to BT, it's not the cheapest but you are guaranteed not to be pushed from pillar to post if you have an outage as they own the network. The only other provider I used who always seem to get good scores for customer support etc is plus.net who start at 5.99 a month with NO contract so you can walk away at any time.
  25. I used to work for a Nursing home group and we used quite a lot of phillipino etc nurses etc and one time an error was made in payroll and instead of one of the staff getting their usual 4 weekly wage they got something like £30k transferred. They quickly went to the bank, lifted the lot and moved back home to Fiji or wherever never to be seen again. They could probably retire back home on that sort of dough.
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