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Everything posted by maxi-glasgow

  1. Having bought a new bonnet from zmanalex I had left it unpainted while I decided whether to get it painted or wrapped. Then I found out one of my mates is actually a spray painter to trade and still has a garage for his own use and he has offered to paint it for nothing, I just need to supply the paint, either that or he can arrange it. I have a 54 plate Kuro so wondered if I could just let him get it from his usual supplier or should I buy the proper Nissan paint and if so do Nissan dealers sell this off the shelf? Just worried that if it's not the actual Nissan paint that it might be a slightly different shade of black...
  2. I haven't loaded a full movie on just short videos but I did run them thru a compression program first anyway. But if you are going to copy huge files it can be quicker pulling out the centre console and removing the memory card and copying the file directly onto the card from your laptop than copying it over USB as I believe it only uses 1.1 so the bandwidth isn't very good when copying. Thats why I was looking a little while ago if there was such a thing as a extension cable you can get for the memory card, that way you could run the cable into somewhere you could easily unplug the memory card to copy quicker. But I couldn't find one for sale...
  3. I was a member on Saabscene when I had the 95 and it was a superb site for help and advice, but I think what makes this site such a great site is all the stuff not even about our cars. Which seems strange for a car owners website, but it's these other forums mixed with all the helpful posts when you do need some help that make it superb and it's one of the sites I have opened all day and refresh at various points to see what's new. Another thing which separates this site, is the way everyone seems to love this car, it's not just a car they get from A to B in, it's much much more than that and I have never experienced that with any other car ownership in my life.
  4. I don't understand all of this, I put my fiance on my policy the day I bought my zed and she has only ever owned an old Ford Escort, an old Rover 214 and a current 2003 1.2 Renault Clio and never got asked a single question about her car history so how can they possibly know if they don't have performance car experience?
  5. The claying link and dual action polishing link are both pointing to the dual action polishing forum...
  6. I paid £10k on the button for my 54 plate UK GT Kuro with 45k on it in March 2009. At the time this was miles cheaper than anything of that age and spec around.
  7. Do you mean how deep it can be or how big in circumference?
  8. I don't understand why they would possibly sell for as much, you can buy one pay as you go with most of the providers for around £570 and that's the 32GB version!!!! Someone I know text me to say they had as many 32GB iPhone 4's as I wanted and they were £500. Thought I could maybe make a killing until I checked the Orange website. I supposed you will get dumplings out there who won't even think about looking at pay as you go rather than contracts.
  9. Good guide, but what happened to the good old days of open the boot, pull out the plug, replace bulb and replace. Done.... I need to do my front side lights on the 350 and just read you need to go in where the front wheels are
  10. Perhaps now when we watch the football we will get news and interviews from the teams actually playing in the match being covered. I was getting fed up that no matter what match I have tuned in to watch, when they go back to the studio it always would end up talking about Englands next match and some interview with an England player. Now we can get down to the football, well after we get another day or two about the goal that never was. It also absolutely baffles me why the commentators are so biased, when you watch the Champions league or Uefa cup the commentators are not this biased so why just when it's England? For the first goal all you got was that is a goal you see at Sunday league football up and down the country, but if that was Rooney who got on the end of a big punt by James it would have been, he out muscled the defender and positioned himself brilliantly....
  11. Looking superb, but in the last shot do you not have any of that wet tyre stuff left
  12. never mind moaning, who gave her a SPONGE!!!!!!
  13. Also JDM's can be set to open both doors when you press unlock on your remote, don't think UK cars can do this, you need to unlock twice. Or mines doesn't allow me to, that's for sure.
  14. When I put grooved discs and better pads on my Saab a few years ago there was a definite difference in noise level when braking over OEM, and by that I mean louder..so I would imagine this is all your hearing.
  15. I had a quick look up and was surprised that the Gross weight is lighter for a Zed. But minimum kerb weight is lighter for Golf, but hardly anything in it.
  16. It's just a term for boosting down the road.
  17. Sorry for the confusion. Can you get a 'new' R32 Skyline? It was an R32 Golf. Always liked the look of these Golfs and they are fast cars indeed. Something like a 3.2L engine producing 250BHP.
  18. another derisory post about a street racing post, really?
  19. Was heading into Glasgow from out in Partick and came up to lights to go down onto Clydeside Expressway and a new red R32 was sitting in front of me. Was a young guy driving so presumed he would gun it so stuck the D1 into SP5 in readiness... Indeed he put the foot down but I kept with him round the sweeping right hand slip road and the expressway was pretty clear so we both gave it some wellie. I stuck with him easier than I thought. He pulled in to let me go past and then came out behind me, I waited till we went past a couple of cars then dropped it again and started pulling away. Put the brakes on when we approached some cars again incase someone decides to pull out without looking. Once by I went again, and once again I pulled away from him. Then I braked to stop at lights at end of the expressway and he went into left hand lane to go onto M8, but before going he stopped and gave me a little wave. It's always nice when people give you a little recognition like that.
  20. I drove in the snow a few times this winter, really heavy snow out Airdrie way which I thought I would be certain to get stuck in. I have the D1 Spec Throttle controller and I stuck this into Eco5 mode and it works an absolute treat in the snow as it stops you putting all those ponies in the one go and helps you pull away slowly.
  21. I was away for the weekend down to Whitely bay to a tournament and as 4 of us were going I drove my mates Taxi which is a Skoda Octavia diesel. As soon as I started driving it felt as if I was wollowing all over the place and absolutely no punch from it whatsoever, going along the A69 when you hit the overtaking lanes which are only a few hundred yards long it was pointless even trying to overtake. Got back on Sunday and as soon as I drove the Zed out the carpark it was like heaven, it makes you really appreciate how crisp the steering is, how assured the ride is and how planted you feel.... What a difference how hard the clutch pedal feels and the gear changes feel like a bolt action.
  22. Aren't M3's power all at over 5k revs or something, perhaps the guy wasn't too clever at keeping it longer in gear and changing way too early. I caught a few M3 drivers sleeping when I had my 95 Aero. And that was slower than my Zed.
  23. It might just be the angle or lighting but has it not already got clear front reflectors? If so looks like one mod has been done for you
  24. My drivers wing mirror actually closes over quicker than my passenger one...
  25. What appears to be more worrying than anything else is how little support the roofs seem to have, every one which has rolled the roof has completely caved in.....
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