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Everything posted by maxi-glasgow

  1. If your looking for maximum available space in the car then I would recommend having a go in a Saab 95 Aero. 250-270BHP, lower insurance than the Z. They drop their value like a stone but the bonus of this is if you buy second hand you can get a 3 year old one or thereabouts for buttons and if it wasn't for the fact that I no longer needed the space I would still be driving one to this day. Standard suspension is too soft for the performance but plenty of options in that area as well as tuning. If that isn't a way out there suggestion I don't know what will I bought a 95 Aero which was due it's very first MOT with 65k miles on it for £7,500!!! sold it when I bought the Zed 3 years later for £3k with 140k on it, only problem I had was headlights wouldn't turn off about 6 months before I sold it, only way I could get them off was pulling out the solenoid. Turned out wiring loom had came loose from bracket and rubbed away one of the wires to earth the headlights feed...
  2. Didnt the hunts go quite a few years ago? In that case WHY do they still have these dogs?
  3. I agree totally with what Vik posted on first page, if Foxes are a problem then kill them with a gun, to say we need to bring back foxhunting to solve any fox problems is absolutely ridiculous. Dont see what the problem with urban foxes are either, not like they will kill livestock in a city. They may attack pets but pets should not be outside themselves if the owners love them. I find foxes fascinating creatures, i know if i lived on a farm i would have a different opinion but i live in heart of Glasgow and i came into underground carpark very late one night and two foxes were in there. I came upstairs got pack of hobnobs and went back down, one came within 15-20 feet of me but no closer so i started breaking up hobnobs and throwing them to it, it would eat for a while but then after it had eat enough it would take the bit and disappear only to come back for more, was hiding the food for later. Fascinating creatures, but i am an animal lover and they have never done me any harm.
  4. Took the missus down to Manchester to see her as she is her biggest fan, had tickets for Glasgow but the night we went the missus took really unwell just before she came on stage and we had to leave. So I bought the Manchester tickets as a surprise and stayed at the Deansgate since I work for Hilton. Show was absolutely outstanding, the very best concert I have ever attended, although to merely call it a concert is not doing it justice, it's a show. I do understand that Lady Gaga is a bit of marmite to everyone, and one video you see she is very hot and then you see her in another and she looks terrible. Like Alejandro video, not very appealing at all... I had actually been looking to see where else she was in the new year to get tickets again as a surprise christmas present, but none of the locations appealed and only a few in europe left before rest of tour in the States.
  5. Got £17.50 for 3400 points
  6. I sent Shell an email since I had never received vouchers etc so they said it was because my address had not been confirmed. It all got sorted and they said I would receive vouchers in the next quarter. Well today I received vouchers, they redeemed 3400 points. And guess how much in petrol vouchers I received given that people are saying they receive £10-£24 per quarter in vouchers?
  7. Now all they need to work out is how to make it only transmit the light for approx 4 feet and we can have an actual lightsaber!!!
  8. Was on the M8 last night in the really bad rain and noticed the engine management light had came on at some point. Pulled off and switched it off and back on after a few minutes but still on. Read the forums and went thru the reset, pretty sure the code was either 425 or 427 which mentions catalytic thermal sensor. Could this just have been going thru puddles on the M8 or is it something more serious? It has reset ok so i guess i wait and see if it comes back on eh?
  9. I used to get this a lot in my Saab, especially when it was getting close to the time where tyres were needing replaced, got to admit I have not experienced it with the Zed so far and that's over a year and a half... Only got GT4 wheels 18" with Avon tyres.
  10. Guy from Green Flag came out and done a volt check, 12v, said that should be enough and I told him it doesn't work and showed him so. He stuck the booster thing they carry and it started on very first turn. Volts were then reading just over 14v at the battery so Alternator was fine. Drove straight up to Kwik Fit as green flag guy asked me if I had topped up the battery as the top of it was damp round the little ports you would use to top it up, obviously I hadn't touched it. Into Kwik Fit, they stuck their diagnostic handheld machine on battery and it reported battery unserviceable!!!! So they replaced it and it turns over and starts the way it should do, and just for the record the volt meter does not go haywire when starting anymore. So if your volt meter is showing erratic movement when your starting the car best get your battery checked as it's on the way out.
  11. I do remember when they put new battery in that mines was bulkier than one they put in but guy said this was model listed for this car.
  12. I had problems with my battery back in July and went into Kwik Fit who tested and said it was the battery that needed replaced so they did. Noticed in past few days that when starting the speed of turning over and starting sounded slightly different and this made me start looking at volt meter which when start would jump up and down from 0-around 14 very very fast. Now perhaps the volt meter always does this and its only now that im noticing it. Went down into underground car park this morning and it turned over incredibily slowly until it stops. Green flag on their way, but does this just sound like i have been sold a dud battery or potentially more in regards to alternator etc?
  13. Just like to add that the D1 throttle controller doesn't just make a difference to the first 3 gears, it makes a difference in all gears. If your running in sports mode it's opening the throttle quicker regardless of the gear. I also have it on SP5 as I find SP7 too twitchy. And if I am sitting cruising at 70 or so on the motorway and I touch the throttle just a touch you feel the response immediately, if I put it into normal it's nowhere near the instant response. I always drive mines in normal and only select sports mode when I want it. I'm sure Bennet had both and said they work fine hand in hand.
  14. Anyone know what make and model that rear spoiler is? I have been toying with the idea of getting myself a rear spoiler but want to get one which will cover the full footprint of the existing standard lip, as that would save having to get full boot sprayed. This looks like it does so. So would just be spoiler getting painted.
  15. If you want to see a fictional film purely about Wing Chun then watch IP Man, this is about IP Man (Yip Man) who was the guy who trained Bruce Lee. Some of the fight scenes are amongst the best of any martial arts movie. Best bit is when he takes on 10 guys in the Japanese Dojo...the speed of the guys hands is amazing. They tried to secure rights to make IP Man 2 based on when he was training Bruce Lee but they could never get the rights to make it, so IP Man 2 was set after the first film when he moved to Hong Kong. But only seen a copy with very very bad subtitles which make absolutely no sense, but still watched it... My mate phoned me all excited as he had downloaded IP Man 3 which is actually set before the first film where he either discovers Wing Chun or forms it, can't remember which, not seen it yet.
  16. Maybe you should not have been a big wuss and had it all done in the 1 sitting....... Bet that will look absolutely awesome.
  17. I tend to only use BP and Shell petrol station, but will use Shell when i can for V power. I have a nectar card for BP and drivers club for shell. Having read this forum i just logged on, i already had an account and it says i have signed up for money back vouchers. My current balance is 3181 points. How many points do you need before you get money back? My address details were correct. I take it you get a point per litre, if so i have spent more than £3,181 on fuel!!!!! It also says i have earned 850 since April. What is more scary is i use BP the most as there is a station right across the road from me....
  18. I bought myself the Acer 5738PG which has 4GB RAM although only a 320GB hard drive but the biggest advantage being it's a touch screen. And with it having Windows 7 it really takes advantage of the technology, downloaded a replacement desktop called Bumptop which is superb. It's like having a 3D room in front of you, your looking at the floor so you move the desktop icons where you want, press on one of the walls and it zooms onto that wall where you can hang photos or any other shortcuts. So you have much more real estate to play with. Don't think I could go back to having no touchscreen.
  19. Me and the missus were addicted to Godfinger, both trying to get to the next level first. I was playing on the ipad and she was playing on the iphone. It says there are 50 levels and I got there first, thinking this will be great to finish a game for once, only for the level number to disappear and the game just continues to infinity.....very disappointed to say the least...
  20. Noticed an article when logging into my BT Internet mail, quite a few pics and quite a few are of Zeds I recognise as members on here, especially number 11. http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/17082010/36/t20/fast-furious-home-grown-0.html
  21. One question, how the hell do you traverse a speed bump
  22. With these kind of intakes, what stops rain water going right up the intake onto the filter? Especially when your driving along the motorway?
  23. Our reservation system does the same, it's web based so it times out after 15 minutes inactivity. This is a security requirement by the credit card authority. If yours is web based all your looking for is an add in which will hit refresh in the web browser every 19 minutes. The problem we found with this is that you might be right in the middle of an input when it does the refresh and you lose what you have typed in so we had to scrap the idea.
  24. A site I use frequently when booking flights to the States is orbitz.
  25. Thats what I don't understand I can remember seeing reviews of my 95 Aero before I bought it and it had 250bhp with front wheel drive and they said the reason they stuck to 250bhp is because engineers said that is the most power you can deliver via front wheel drive reliably. One thing I don't miss is the torque steer......
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