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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. I think I have posted in the past about this but cant remember. When I first start my car from cold there's a horrible loud whirring noise which comes from the front of the car. I think it's gear box/clutch related as it disappears when I dip the clutch to change gear. It only lasts for all of 10 - 15 secs but it sounds dreadful. I'm sure I read it was a common thing and nothing to worry about but maybe that's wishful thinking, any ideas?
  2. Phew, thank god for that! I had a sneaky suspicion that there might only be one rear fog but felt a bit dense asking, lol. My car is due an MOT and this was the last thing I thought would make me fail! Clearly I'm a muppet
  3. Ok so this is the last fault I have left to sort on my Zed! Basically my front fogs don't come on. I'm probably being really thick here but I'm not entirely sure which lamp the fog is, the fog light symbol illuminates on my dash when I switch them on but nothing changes on the front lamps. On the back only one light comes on... I can't locate the fuse box to check that and I'm unsure where the fog lamp bulb is to check those either!
  4. WOOO **** HOOOO! Just managed to fix this!! :drive1 :yahoo: Complete fluke but I have also been having an airbag fault flashing up. Just did a search on here and somebody said to switch ignition on, wait for airbag light to flash then switch off & wait 5 secs. Repeat this 3 times to get rid of error. I did this and to my delight this procedure removed both the airbag fault and ESP fault. My traction control is now working again, I am chuffed to bits!!! I'll update my other thread in case somebody ever has the same fault. Seems that maybe the ignition on/off and wait 5 secs removes more than just airbag faults!! Cheers for the help anyways Husky!
  5. WOOO ****IN HOOOO! Just managed to fix this!! Complete fluke but I have also been having an airbag fault flashing up. Just did a search on here and somebody said to switch ignition on, wait for airbag light to flash then switch off & wait 5 secs. Repeat this 3 times to get rid of error. I did this and to my delight this procedure removed both the airbag fault and ESP fault. My traction control is now working again, I am chuffed to bits!!! I'll update my other thread in case somebody ever has the same fault. Seems that maybe the ignition on/off and wait 5 secs removes more than just airbag faults!! Cheers for the help anyways Husky!
  6. Following on from this thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=38624&start=15 I have been advised that my unusual wheel/tyre setup is the reason my Traction Control is faulty. I can borrow a set of Rays if needs be but it's a bit of a PITA. If my current wheel setup is the reason the TC is faulty will driving aroung on Rays correct the fault? i.e is the ESP sensor continually sending out a fault on the current wheels or have the currenty wheels actually broke the ESP in some way? I'm not sure hoe the system works and was wondering if the sensor will still be able to recognise the original set of Rays...,
  7. I can borrow a set of Rays if needs be but any ideas how I can turn the ESP light off? Or reset the ESP? It's permanently stuck on and the switch has no effect. Also, is it possible to find out the error codes without taking it to Nissan? Also, and at the risk of making my own thread go OT, I see you are into Huskeys Husky? I'm moving out at the end of the year and the first thing on my list is a dog. My GF loves Huskeys and wants me to have one of those. I'm a tad sceptical as I have no experience of them and we have a baby on the way. I've grown up with Staffys and despite the unjust negative press they're superb family dogs but my GF hates them! What's the pros and cons to a Husky (I'm assuming you own one?? ) Decisions decisions!
  8. Okey dokey, Just been out to double check tread. All tyres have plenty tread - approx 7mm. The NS front has slight wear to outer rim but by no means is it balding (2nd pic). I have posted pics below of tyres, just one of the rear as they're the same - both look as new to be honest. I think as you mentioned Col that when I bought the car it had approx 60k on the clock, probably closer to 62k IIRC. It's now covered 65k miles so approx 3-4k miles in 18 months. I'm pretty sure the wheels/tyres were brand new when I bought the car as they were immaculate, not a curb scuff in sight (unlike now!) If my tyres have caused the ESP fault how do I fix it? Will something need fixing/replacing as well as changing the tyres?
  9. Not sure why the sizes are weird as the wheels were on the car when I bought it. But surely the percentage the wheels are out by is so small that it can't really make much difference? The rears are wider than the fronts by 30mm either way... If it was the tyres which was causing the TC failure would it rectify itself by changing tyres or would I need to replace the TC or par of it? Obviously replacing tyres is an expensive option especially as IIRC they're in pretty good nick. I'm just concerned that the tyres aren't the cause of it. Reason being I never had any issues that other members had whereby the ESP was kicking in for no reason at all. Mine always stayed off but the light was coming on intermittently and now permanently..
  10. Just to clarify guys, the TC no longer works and the ESP light is on at all times. Pressing the ESP button has no effect and I'm not losing power... I have just checked and I have got 225/40's on the front and 255/35's on the back, the wheels are 19". Anyone got any ideas? I'd just take it to a mechanic if I had one locally that I knew had experience with the cars. My local garage I normally use is hopeless at stuff like this...
  11. I've owned my Zed now for 18 months or so. When I first bought it I noticed the ESP light used to stick on every now and again even if I hadn't spun the wheels. Now for the last few months it's permantly stuck on and the traction control isn't working (I think). I'm running 19" aftermarket wheels if that makes any difference. Is there a fuse for the TC for me to check or has anyone heard of the TC being faulty? If so how can I check it and what's likely to be at fault? I just want the ESP lights off my dash...
  12. Cheers dude. Yeah they're 19", not sure on correct name for them but they're made by Zito?? Not well known anyway I think... That said I do think they are wider on the back than the front, will check in the morning when it's light/dry and double check... Pic of the wheels in case anyone knows the wheels/the car:
  13. Cheers for the replys guys... The car has aftermarket alloys but these were on the car when I bought the car back in Feb. Can somebody point in the way of a guide on how to pull the error codes off please?
  14. Sorry should this be in technical? Can a mod move it please?
  15. Oh dear, so my beloved Zed becomes sicker by the day! I'm not sure if these are commoin faults or easy fixes but my 350 has the following problems, listed in chronological order in case any are related... 1. When I start the car from cold I get a loud whirring noise from I'm guessing either the gearbox or clutch. I can't hear it a tick over, I think from when I dip the clutch, perhaps at biting point? It lasts for all of 5 or 10 seconds so it's hard to determine exactly where it comes from or what causes it! Vague I know 2. My passenger side window only works sometimes. Mostly it just clicks when I try to open it! 3. My ESP warning light and 'Car sliding'? symbol is now permanently on. At first it just randomly flashed every so often then it appeared more and more, now it's stuck on and the manual switch under the steering wheel has no affect on it. 4. My airbag light is now flashing! 5. I have a warning light on the dash, the little red exclamation mark. Apart from the steaming pile of turd that is the Bose stereo that is pretty much it. Despite what you may be thinking I do look after it I promise. It's just bit by bit I find myself falling out of love with my car. Have I been really unlucky or is the Zed really that unreliable?
  16. Not sure on the loom, just a generic Nissan one. It was all wired up incorrectly anyway, the connectors fitted but the power wires were going to speaker wires and what not... Never noticed on the thread about the volume reductions either, I'm in two minds now. I may just try and send the single DIN fascia back and call it quits, to be honest I prefer the look of the Bose as opposed to a Single Din set-up but just wished the piece @*!# worked correctly! I may just have to make do...
  17. A ha, cheers Rob. Since my original post I went down to Bass Junkies and bought a Nissan harness, surprise surprise it didn't work! Looks like Sextons is the way to go, £33 quid seems a bit pricey though, hmmm. Either way I'll have to refit my Bose for the time being, taking some bird out tonight and need a stereo to help with all the awkward silences...
  18. My Bose stereo in the Zed is steaming pile of turd! The CD's jump really bad when the unit is cold and the sub only works every now and again, all very annoying when trying to listen to the new Kasabian album at full blast. Anyway, finally decided last week to order a single DIN fitting kit off ebay so that I could put in my Sony MP3 stereo. Just spent the last half hour struggling to get the Bose out to realise that I need some sort wiring harness as the 350Z doesn't use the standard fitment. Just rang the place that I bought the fascia kit from (Dynamic Sound) and they reckon there isn't a harness for the Zed that fits the Bose connectors. Is that true? They can only source a harness for the standard stereo connectors. So before I start re-fitting the Bose does anyone know where I can get a Bose harness? Or if maybe I can get the Bose fixed? The car is a 53 plate so the stereo wont be covered under warranty....
  19. Thanks for comments guys... The wheels are made by Zito. Never heard of them TBH but think they compliment the car well. Look much better in the flesh too....
  20. So people actually pay for their Zed to sound that loud? I must be getting old before my time! PM Sent Conrad Replied mate
  21. Thans for the comments guys... Don't know if I did something wrong but this thread is now in Media>Photo Archive... I originally posted in General - is that correct?
  22. Well I've owned my Zed for a few months now but have been too lazy to post up any pics on here. I did want to use my Porter Cable on the car before taking any pics but I just haven't had tme to be honest. It's a 2004 UK GT, done 60k, with Alezan Leather, 19" rims, K1 Exhaust and Induction kit/Popcharger. I'd also hazard a guess that it's a previous members car due to the upgrades it's had. I've always been a Supra TT man in the past but due to the drop in price of the Zed I finally decided to get myself a newer car. My first impressions of the Zed are that it's a beautiful car, any pictures I take never seem to do it justice. I must admit I think it's a little underpowered, you really have to push it to get it to perform. That said it's one of the best handling cars I've owned and it's suprisingly assured in the corners for a RWD car, unlike the Supra. All in all though I'm over the moon with the car, all I need now is some Nismo skirts and the bumper if I can afford it... Anyways, here's some pics....
  23. Just got from 8 nights in Vegas myself, was out there for the Hatton fight I actually met Hatton too a few nights after the fight in the Irish bar in New York New York. He was totally arseholed on Guiness, got my pic with him too. I love Vegas, been there 4 times now. Never noticed before as I didn't own a Zed on previous trips but you see a lot of 350's over there. Reckon I saw at least 10 whilst there, way more common than over here!
  24. So people actually pay for their Zed to sound that loud? I must be getting old before my time! I've always had Supra TT's and used to love the sound of those de-catted but a de-catted Zed is even louder!! I reckon my Zed must've been a members car as it has expensive rims, popcharger and this K1 exhaust. Must get round to cleaning the damn thing and posting some pics up!!
  25. When I first bought my Zed I hated the Alezan leather, I even half agreed with you that I'd swap all my bits for yours. But as others have said it grows on you after a while, plus literally every person who sees it says they love it. It does look too orange in the pics but it suits the GM cars very nicely I think now, plus it matches the Brembos...
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