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Everything posted by wizard

  1. It's sad to think that in a way all these "breathing" mods are a waste of money if this map / flash doesn't work. Unless ofcourse you were doing it for the noise... in which case, it's worth it... Just about... but with my car, it seems as if I've LOST power due to running lean.
  2. I think for 20 - 30bhp.. the £575.00 + god knows how much fuel (to get there and back) would probably be worth it. But I somehow doubt it'll be this much. Otherwise, peeps, I would recommend you spend your money wisely and get a 50bhp of nitrous (like I did!)
  3. This is what Ben @ eurospec told me: "Basically the car is spot on afr on idle and cruise, but under full throttle (with no nos) the afr is in the 13s. Its leaner than other 350s ive run. Ideally i would like to see it running 12.5 afr. Its basically 13.5 at worst- its not horrendous, but i suspect there is something underlying on the car- maybe it just has a really good induction kit on there and its genuinely getting more air. If that is the case, something like a simple afc controller will sort him out. On nitrous it runs a flat 12 afr- where i would like to see an 11.5. It wont make any more power (likely it will make marginally less, but it will be that bit cooler and therfore safer). It has no det except at 2k when you hold it on full load, but all 350s do that. I would just investigate the fuel system, if its A1, then prolly just an afc controller would do, along with a very slightly bigger fuel jet for the nos kit."
  4. Do let us know how you get on... My car is running a little lean, do you think your remap software can correct this also? I have a dyno print out of the AFR...
  5. Whoever has a second hand PE TT to flog, I will buy it off YOU NOW!!!!
  6. Martin, your spare ECU won't work on any other car model type then your own. There are over 14 different types of ECUs. If you don't get a "match" it WON'T work. I have 3 ECUs sitting on my desk at home due to this error I made... so please don't sell it without advising this.
  7. Wizard, grateful if you can share a bit of detail Cheers Not sure which Berk Cats he is comparing to. Wizard are these the New Berk Technology Metallic Substrate High Flow Cats? These haven't passed govenment testing yet so aren't available for a week or so. If it iis I would like to know who your buying from. Whats the difference between these and the stainless steel ones?
  8. How much are we looking at Sarah?
  9. where are you? London, where takin a p!ss costs money!
  10. 300 is wayy too much. I paid 180 to have my cracked rear bumper repaired and fully resprayed a few years ago (Accord Type-R), but I think the bodyshop man has changed his number! I too need to get my front bumper changed and sprayed.. if only i could find him again... he was brilliant!!
  11. have you a gearbox with that? Where abouts are you?
  12. if you don't want it, sell it to me!
  13. Updates? Answers to my questions?? Anything?
  14. Dude, I really need to hear this asap! Adrian, you going modified live this Saturday?
  15. If that's the case, when will it be likely that you will start to take bookings in for the remap? Or maybe a group remapping session? Will you be doing just n/a or FI'd zeds too? This is a very exciting premise, but I am slightly sceptical on the gains... but time will tell!
  16. I really want to hear the sound of this Adrian... Can't believe you got it before me!? We were supposed to go in together!!
  17. so have the cops 'tested' it for you yet? and out of interest, does it actually work well as a parking sensor? It works as a parking sensor.. pretty poor one though... but then again it's adjustible! I don't know what you mean by the cops testing it?
  18. Yes I have a laser park pro which is A LEGAL PARKING SENSOR also. It will throw up an error on speed guns. Police cannot do nowt about it...
  19. Awsome dude... Will get this if I don't chop my car in for an R33 GTR vspec... Am in a real dilemma...
  20. I brought mine off that dude on egay and the thread is waaayyy too small!
  21. They're all like that! You've got to love the cars though........... The F&F films crack me up. I used to be into the kinda underground scene in Brum years ago. Anyone who's ever been involved with street racing will know what I'm on about: In the films: All the cars are badass worth 40K+, it's beautiful weather, the women are all models or Japanese schoolgirls and no-one worries much about crashing or police until a chase scene. In reality: Most cars are £1000 sheds with stuck on spoilers, it's probably p1ssing it down, the women are all a mess and the whole thing gets moved on by the cops very quickly. Good escapism is the way to describe it I guess! LOL... dude.. you just made me crack up in my very quiet office! I hope you're happy!
  22. Gaz.. have Orisis done any JDM ECU's as far as you know?
  23. 350z modding scene is finally kicking off properly!
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