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Everything posted by wizard

  1. wizard

    Oil Pan Spacer

    Chaps, I can get these for a VERY good price so let me know if you're interested and have NOT already ordered it with Tarmac. Send me a PM. Cheers.
  2. 500 is nothing for the HR though the torque is more important here. What power can your GTM kit make?
  3. That looks like a GTM kit? Great that there's so many more FI zeds around now! Hookers and coke is definitely something you can always spare cash for!
  4. wizard

    Oil Pan Spacer

    Can you get the AAM spacer Tarmac? I'm not sure I can mount a sensor in that spacer without drilling it out.
  5. wizard

    Oil Pan Spacer

    Is the one you supply with the oil drain feature or without?
  6. wizard

    Oil Pan Spacer

    wtf?! mofo's I could have had a baby by now!!
  7. Hey Wasso, that looks like ears.... cool! Yeah i've already got the RSW pod, nice fitment, but very pricey.
  8. I would say your probably right. Especially with your increased Boost. Have you tracked your car? Do you have a oil temp gauge? Regarding mounting I'm in the same boat, but if you see how Keyser has mounted his I think that'll give just enough cooling even with the oem or nismo bumber. Although probably only 50% would be in direct air flow. Another option for those with inter-coolers is what Mark suggests of mounting it at an angle behind the crash bar and deflecting the air towards it _____ No I haven't got an oil temperature gauge unfortunately! - want to get one, but there's nowhere nice to mount it as I've filled up my pillar pod with AF/R and Boost. Haven't tracked the car while it's been charged. Do you have a link to the way Keyser mounted it? Mark, Can you provide more information and any possible pics of mounting it behind the crash bar? Would the results be as good doing it this way?
  9. wizard

    New engine

    Zmanalex may be able to sort you out a decent engine for good money. You should be paying about £500 for an engine swap (labour).
  10. That's alot lol. That was the reason I looked at the hr as I was thinking about twin turboing one I agree that is quite a lot. We need to start getting some of these ominous FI projects on the forum! GTM make some good sh!t though i hear their customer service is not that great. Anyone know how much torque the standard HR block can take?
  11. As I am running similar power to your car Sam, I would imagine I am in the same boat... only because my exhaust and headers aren't as free-flowing, the engine / oil temps could even get higher then that on track! My problem with the oil cooler is mounting it. I would have to take the canards off and drill holes in my lovely V2... arrgghhh!
  12. yeah i did buy a few of those. They didn't work that great when you wanted them too.... but can't complain for the money.Think i'm gonna get a few more to try out.
  13. That kit looks unbelievably sexy! Makes me want a 370! Haha
  14. Only to people that deserve alex. Less salesman, more gentleman!
  15. I wouldn't personally run a zed (especially an import one) on anything below 97. I always run vpower. Regarding the tesco HO vs vpower debate. I was told by a tuner over the weekend who was mapping my mates civic that Tesco can be pretty hit and miss as to the quality you get, but vpower is pretty consistently good! My mate had a mixture of vpower and tesco and the tuner kept hearing det during and had to keep clawing back the timing. His opinion was that this could be due to poor quality fuel.
  16. wizard


    Rehan, best to run at top mark on the dip stick. If the oil light comes on, then I doubt if any oil will show on the dip stick. Yeah you're right. I remember the oil light flickering on and off when I was on the track and eventually the engine started becoming noisy. When I checked the dipstick, it was completely dry. OP: Keep your oil topped up buddy, this is crucial! It may also be beneficial doing a compression test. If that checks out fine then perhaps check it if could be your center seals. Also, you can use a thicker oil like 10w40 fully synthetic or something.
  17. wizard


    Typically Alex, the oil on a 'DE supposed to be kept between the two marker points on the dipstick, correct?
  18. wizard


    Engine drinking lots of oil = bad! My old VQ used to do that... tread very carefully mate.
  19. i might be going in june if funds allow... want to do spa in the same trip.
  20. no man, didn't happen, that's the thing!
  21. http://my350z.com/forum/forced-inductio ... miles.html .... is it the cams? is it the tune? is it the EMS?.... or is it just plain old luck? Discuss! P.S. Hope this is not against the rules!
  22. How much for a set of 25s for the rear sir?
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