I feel sorry for the kids these days (lol, says me, at 28), took me long enough to pay off my loan, now they're racking up 9k / year! Hopefully those that were looking at doing "French History during the 1400s" or something simiarly useful for their career, will have the common sense not to!
So what, they end up doing media studies and saving a planet as a result?! LOL
To be fair, imo, this only affects your 'average' student. Some of the rich oxbridge students can still do whatever the f**k they want to do and will come out the other end with a high paid job. It's all connections and who you know nowadays.
1. I went to Oxford
2. I am not rich
3. I had no connections of any kind to use to get my first job
4. I can assure you that every person I went to university with was incredibly intelligent and did not go there because they were "rich" or "had connections"
5. Compared to a number of other universities around the country, there wasn't a single course on offer at Oxford that I could even remotely consider to be a mickey mouse subject
No-one that goes to Oxbridge is unintelligent. I think you misunderstood my point.
I know plenty of people that work in the city that have got there not with their brains, but people they know.
I should not have put the rich and oxbridge in the same sentence, but my point on having a network still stands. It's worth more then brains unfortunately.