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Everything posted by wizard

  1. you mean engine? Not according to switzer performance it ain't. 997 block can handle upwards of 800bhp stock.
  2. Not sure how you drove it. The ride on the 997 is much more compliant, and the handling is much better, the turbo's are much more responsive, not to mention it's looks...
  3. My other mate has an 650bhp+ 996 turbo as well. It's an utter beast!!! The 997 really is an evolution to his car though. We're all mates and have tested the cars over. Can't complain that Porsche only just modernised the new car, they've changed many other things. The traction control systems, and lots of other things I don't understand! lol
  4. To where would they bring it? ??????? Its a pet peve. Brought = having concluded bringing something. Bought = having concluded buying something. Yes you're quite WRITE!
  5. Yeah that's the colour my friend has. Best colour for that car by far. Only issue for the gen 2 I'm told is that you cannot push the pdk box past 600bhp due to its shaft design? - There's currently no solution for it at the moment? How do you think it compares to the R35 GTR Lee?
  6. Were you one of the lucky ones to get an e-mail last Friday?
  7. To where would they bring it? ???????
  8. Seems like people have been complaining on forums about not receiving any info about delivery or anything. Google should really be sending out updates in order to build up excitement? Latest update: http://support.google.com/googleplay/bi ... &ctx=topic
  9. i would have pinched this offer off your hands had it been a few weeks ago! arrrgghh... Oh well... you can have my 15s for £30 if you want them.
  10. Huh? Really?! Where the hell is mine then?! i ordered on the 28th June.
  11. I thought I did as well until I sat in this car. Didn't want to drive it because it was raining at the time... For me, it would come down to whether I wanted a manual or auto car. With porsche, you have the option. And also, another mates warranty claim for his THIRD GT-R gearbox is still pending... which has put me off a little as well (his car is fairly stock... and no, he hasn't been launching it at every traffic light.)
  12. Okay so a mate of mine just brought a 2006 997 Turbo (manual transmission). It only has an exhaust and a map on it and is pushing (we reckon) above 550bhp. What an amazing car in every single way, other then it doesn't sound as good as my zed and has that pointless clock in the middle?!! - Great traction, great looks, reliable, well built. There is very little to dislike about this car. I have not driven or been driven in a car with so much power that has so little lag. R35 is similar, but I think even that has a little more lag...? - It's almost as responsive as my s/c zed, but defo has much more power! Fantastic car, one to keep an eye on me thinks...? P.S. I think he's planning to tune this to 750bhp with stock internals. That will be epic!
  13. Excuse me, how is this possible? lol Do you work for the insurance company?
  14. I agree on the memory expansion... but if you go on a long holiday or flight or something, you can buy those 'airstashs' which would do the trick?
  15. omg... that first pic is amazing!!
  16. I pre-ordered mine! Calm down Spurs, it's amazing!! When does the ipad have expandable memory? It's an amazing device, out next week. I cannot wait to get mine!!
  17. Anyone brought this? I can't wait to get mine!!
  18. oh whoopsie, soz forum nerds! LOL
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1993-SUBARU-I ... 0841823489
  20. wizard


    Come to think of it, I don't think my keyfob is registered as the remote unlock does not work on it. Anyone know if this procedure works for JDM car?
  21. wizard


    Be careful when switching the ignition on and off too many times and doing all that crap with this car. I did this and accidently activated the NATS. The car locked down as it thought I was trying to nick it? - If this happens, you cannot start the car and have to find a way to clear it. You cannot simply plug in a standard OBD reader to do it.
  22. That is twin turbo money for mediocre brakes?!
  23. Get the launch right.
  24. wizard

    garage D

    does a car ever come out once it's gone into garage-D?
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