Okay so a mate of mine just brought a 2006 997 Turbo (manual transmission).
It only has an exhaust and a map on it and is pushing (we reckon) above 550bhp.
What an amazing car in every single way, other then it doesn't sound as good as my zed and has that pointless clock in the middle?!! - Great traction, great looks, reliable, well built. There is very little to dislike about this car.
I have not driven or been driven in a car with so much power that has so little lag. R35 is similar, but I think even that has a little more lag...? - It's almost as responsive as my s/c zed, but defo has much more power!
Fantastic car, one to keep an eye on me thinks...?
P.S. I think he's planning to tune this to 750bhp with stock internals. That will be epic!