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Everything posted by wizard

  1. Defo an investment this car!! Won't lose money, very sought after. I've heard there's only around a 100 genuine R34 GTRs in this country. One of my fav cars of all time.... I almost don't want to own it because I hold it in such high regard. I don't think I could afford to own one of these at the moment.
  2. have you got a link? i went holland and barrett and only saw the ones from USN which I then brought.
  3. Oh and I forgot, this was a bit of an impulse buy...
  4. As I've run out of my 4th tub of Dymatize iso-100, I decided to give this a shot now: And also brought some bottles of this as I loved the taste so much:
  5. wtf?! surely that ain't right? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... 0487555817
  6. Tony, After this build is complete, how often do you think you will need to rebuild the engine?
  7. Oh and a note on weight gainers.... Seriously do NOT bother. I used this stuff for a while and turned into Mr. Blobby. You need to be very careful, especially if you were fat once upon a time. This stuff is loaded with carbs and while it may help you with a little muscle gain, on the whole you'll end up looking horrible and be de-motivated. Better off getting your carbs from actual foods (most are filled with them) and then supplementing on a clean protein like iso-100 and perhaps cycling creatine if you want that extra edge. I tried to dirty bulk last year and ended up like a blob, need to be very careful or you just won't be motivated to continue with the gym. Ended up spending 5 months cutting half my body fat and starting again.
  8. I need to start looking into different post workout stuff as maximuscle works but the price you pay just aint justifiable when theres other things out there that work, same price, but triple size tub. Isnt jack3d the one that u shake like mad after taking it? lol Yeah man.. It's crazy... not sure how it's legal. I once took an OD of Jack3d and got Parathesis for a few hours! LOL... I only took the OD because I wanted to finish the tub... it's crazy... but really gets you moving!!!
  9. Nice reviews. I've been through quite some different supplements. I think I have fairly average genetics. It's not impossible for me to gain muscle, but it's not that easy either. In terms of protein shakes, the best tasting one is probably BSN Synth-6, but the cleanest, best and one of the more expensive ones which has 0 carbs, 0 fats is Dymatize iso-100!! - This is an amazing protein and has 25g protein per serving with no fillers. If you take 2 scoops post workout then that's 50g without doing anything else. ___ I echo that there are crappy supplements out there, but I feel if you're serious about body building and / or getting in shape then you must supplement. It's very difficult to get 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight from natural nutrition. In terms of pre-workouts, I have used both Assault and Jack3d. Both are fantastic... but I reckon Jack3d has the edge. The new stuff they're selling comes without the beta-alanine stuff so hopefully your heart won't explode! LOL
  10. Excuse my ignorance, but how comes there were 458s racing there the same sort of time as F1?
  11. Fantastic!!! Sam, mine and now Andy's making very similar numbers. My 2 year anniversary was in August!! Still a great car!!
  12. omg... this thread is killing. £700, ready made, what do I buy... simple!!!
  13. Well iplayer is flash, so thats why the stock chrome browser doesnt like it. I downloaded firefox beta and installed the flash 11 apk seperately (you can d/l that directly to the nexus if you google for the file, then install it straight away). In firefox you can select to view the iplayer website in "desktop mode". Then its just as if your watching in on a pc. That's pretty much what I did... but I found that the controls are so tiny and it's hard to move forwards and backwards on iplayer... or maybe i have fat fingers? lol Another solution was to try it from the dolphin browser, but the browser would throw a wobbly if i put full screen on.... shame... seemed like a more stable browser.
  14. Anyone got the plastic surround for sale? Need it asap, new, used, whatever.... preferably with fittings if possible.
  15. what browser are you using?
  16. I managed to get flash and BBC iPlayer working.
  17. I just realised the other night that I cannot play anything on BBC iPlayer which struck me as odd. Is there any way around this yet?
  18. What app are you using to stream video from your server?
  19. That sounds just like Admiral. I had them phoning me up nearly every other day claiming they could insure all the cars in our household to "save you money". Every time they wouldnt believe it when I told them they wouldnt be cheaper. So they go through all the details and sure enough they always came back more expensive. One vehicle in particular i was quoted 80quid fully comp and they came back at 400quid fully comp. 80 quid for what?! sinclair c5?
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