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Everything posted by wizard

  1. OMG, THE FLAMES AT 2:10!
  2. I have this exact same setup and don't suffer major issues on track or road. Depends the kind of track your own as well.
  3. Bump! - First page updated. If you have not added your zed {cough} ZMANALEX {cough} you can still add it!
  4. You mean compared to that other idiot that wouldn't shut up? lol
  5. That chick has NOTHING on this one: [media] [/media] She can actually drift and is far hotter! lol
  6. Doesn't the eibach ARBs come with bushes or were they worn on your car OP?
  7. was i the only one that cringed at that?! America and their go-lucky ways really annoy me!.. though i may have smiled at points....
  8. Legally your insurance company has to cover you a minimum of third party on the 'ring. It is a grey area though however. No it doesnt if it clearly states in black and white your are not cover for use on the nurburgring Doesn't matter what it says. EU rules.. do your research. Parts of the ring are private and parts are not. Insurance companies can't wiggle out of that, but they don't have to give you full cover either.
  9. Legally your insurance company has to cover you a minimum of third party on the 'ring. It is a grey area though however.
  10. Hey Tim, Was wondering when you'd make a show. How many boosted miles on your forged block so far? (approx)
  11. OMG... I'm SO gonna make sure my missus learns how to do this for every car I have from now on and every bday!
  12. If I were you, I'd budget about £1K per trip return (based on 8 laps) and to stay the weekend. And just ensure you have some extra readies if the worst were to happen. This can ofcourse be split in two if you have a generous passenger.
  13. Keyser, how much boost is your v2 producing (without) nitrous sir?
  14. This is great progress guys, keep it coming! Updating first post as we get all updates...
  15. Do you know how many boosted miles and psi boost you're running?
  16. Does that mean you're moving in? Hell NO!!! I just know how miserable she was making Smudgedon. She did have a good side to her... I usually found it was from behind LOOOOOOL
  17. Sega Master System PS1 PS2 PS3 Xbox Xbox 360 PSP PSP Vita Wii Wii U ____ + hundreds of games... maybe even over a thousand. And the irony is, I don't actually play any games at all. It's been 6 months or so! LOL
  18. 1. Martinmac 2. Marzman 3. The Bounty Bar Kid 4. Wizard
  19. Just some general advice from me when undertaking an FI build to anyone. It's very easy to start going through catalogues of stuff and spend as much as your credit card allows buying stuff... but unless the car is to be a show car of some sort, I tend to think a lot of it can be a waste. Personally I'd always tend to keep things as simple as possible, and find the potential / limit of where I can go with what I have, and then when there's a reason to upgrade something, do so! - This is not about doing things on the cheap, because I know from experience with cars, doing things cheap never ends well... but it's about knowing what you're upgrading and why it will make a difference over OEM / or over the part you're replacing with.... and most importantly, how will you measure that change? Just some food for thought!
  20. All superchargers so far, any turbo peeps want to come forward? If Zmanalex would stop counting his money for a second....
  21. This is a good read. Brings back memories! 2.5 years boosted and still going strong. Let me know if you need any help or advice. May even be able to help you source parts if you need! PM me.
  22. That's not a bad idea Do you want to add yourself Keyser?
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