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Everything posted by wizard

  1. I usually text when i'm driving or update my facebook status!
  2. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT THE LISTINGS ANYMORE!!! EDIT: oh it's a tiptronic with no brembo and VDC. *is now calmer*
  4. Surprised the PH lot are saying nice things about jap cars!
  5. Mark, If a zed had 700bhp at the hubs, would we still add 35/40bhp or would it be more? (i.e. 10%). What would make it lose more than 35/40HP? If the drive train is the same then the losses would be the same as the it requires the same force to move it. All this talk of percentages is madness. However, you could lose more in real terms if you had a beefed up drive train that zapped more power That does sound like it could be right.
  6. Mark, If a zed had 700bhp at the hubs, would we still add 35/40bhp or would it be more? (i.e. 10%).
  7. From what I've read there's a decimal place difference between hub and wheel bhp.
  8. I've had both. The DC2 is AMAZING!! - Very raw experience and the noise is epic. I have more confidence going round bends in one of those then the zed, but the zed is a better GT car, and can eat up miles better as well.
  9. I quite like it, very JDM.. For a new sports coupe, £35K would be priced correctly.
  10. Interesting... Why is the stock map so off-target? Is it because Nissan pre-load a 'one size fits all' to each car before it leaves the factory and it sometimes won't be an exact fit to each motor? How is the target AFR determined?
  11. Passion? M3? LOL Sure all that passion should keep you comfort while a 335i fly's past you...
  12. Why do you say this Wizard? It's a smoother, better drive. If you like the tin-ey noise the E46 makes then that's the only plus side. a few of my friends have tuned their 335s with very little money. New turbos, meth, etc... and the cars are very quick. There are so many options for that motor. Amazing value and can be driven every day. Interesting. The 335i certainly seems a force to be reckoned with..... Have a lot of respect for that car. Few grand worth of mods and it's faster then the E92 M3. Doesn't sound quite as nice but still... booooosssttt!
  13. Why do you say this Wizard? It's a smoother, better drive. If you like the tin-ey noise the E46 makes then that's the only plus side. a few of my friends have tuned their 335s with very little money. New turbos, meth, etc... and the cars are very quick. There are so many options for that motor. Amazing value and can be driven every day.
  14. Driven both.... 335i all day every day. Plus is MUCH more tuneable then the E46 M3.
  15. Good lad, but don't be put off by supercharged 350z. Much better then n/a obviously!
  16. Can you tell me how loud silenced decats would be over OEM when you have them fitted?
  17. There needs to be more threads like this!!!
  18. Thanks very much. I have added it to the first page list (hoping mods make this thread sticky so we have the best chance to collate as much data as possible)
  19. Excellent thread. Can't believe I just got onto it now!
  20. I think its £30 for 20 mins. Totally worth it, and last year we had a Zed-only session. This is by far the best show i've been to.... What's the noise restriction on track?
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