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Everything posted by wizard

  1. Nice to see so many pics of cars.... Meanwhile, in my hotel room....
  2. Hey guys, sorry haven't had time for the forum recently. Thanks for updating Beavis. Looking good lads. Nice to see more FI zeds out there now!
  3. Thanks very much to Graham and everyone else that organised this. The gf and I had a very nice time. Hope I can make next years weekend as well!
  4. Sounds sick, I heard it. I just got my ICE installed last week and it rattles on some tunes. I think I'm gonna need to get this sorted as well.
  5. I think we should have a competition as to who's car can be the dirtiest!
  6. oh and syntha 6 is probably the best tasting protein i've tasted. I've had most of them. Think Dymatize ISO 100 is the purest and best overall (as a pure protein).
  7. Don't necessarily think 'bigger is better' when it comes to gym. Personal preference I guess.
  8. Great. Why is it whenever I see Steve, he's always in full overalls?!
  9. I actually partly agree with this. Out of interest, what body fat % can you maintain all year round then?
  10. I'm still training lots... infact just did a lunchtime session at the gym. Starting to get into calisthenics a lot more then straight body building type workouts. Much prefer it, I feel more agile lol ....Summers coming up boys, start your cut!!
  11. Only met him the once but he had a wicked sense of humour and he was suffering from cancer. RIP, this is tragic news!! :(
  12. Mate, if the pig wanted to do you, he would have bent you over your carbon fibre bonnet, stuck his truncheon up your fundamental orifice BEFORE asking for your name and insurance details. These b!tches control motorists on FEAR! I should know, I’ve been stopped more times than 99% of the public! LOL Have a cuppa and enjoy your day!
  13. Keyser, do you have a job?
  14. i've been thinking of doing something like this as well but my AV guy says 6.5" subs are useless. Would prefer not to have a big sub in the boot, so this is one solution. Irrespective, I think all amps will go in the cubby hole behind the passenger seat for me. I like the stealth setup.
  15. I heard it takes 2.5 bottles?
  16. If this thread isn't mixed messages, I don't know what is! I went to my local AV guy... who basically said that the chinese stuff is rubbish and he wouldn't even fit it in his van, let alone a customers car. He did bring up the audio quality which many have pointed out. Still loooking for the best solution for me on this. It is however likely I will be a brand snob though! lol
  17. 452s are @*!#. I run Federal 595 RS-R's. It's excellent!
  18. +1 I've been considering it as well but feel it's a little pointless. Not going to exactly load Excel and start doing my work in traffic lol
  19. Yeah I've spent many an hour playing with these types of electronics and they do have reliability issues... The problem is with the premium brands, they just don't have all that much in terms of features like they used to. If you want everything, you need to be willing to pay like over 1K for a HU which in this day and age is ludicrous. We have had a Pioneer Avic-X1 running for over 10 years on the supra daily and never had an issue with it.
  20. So basically I was about to go for the likes of pioneer, kenwood, alpine on a much needed upgrade on my zeds ICE. Then speaking to a friend of mine he basically advised me that the premium brands are a rip off and lack basic features such as GPS, TV tuner, etc... and I should be looking at units like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370777177989 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130867271591 Said he's installed a few and they're a much better buy? - Though they don't look as nice and UI won't be as friendly? Even looks like the screen is bigger on these. 7" vs some 6.1" ones I've been looking at. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? My mind was pretty much made up until I spoke to him. Cheers.
  21. That will not sort out the reception issues? I was going Dab but was adviced against it! You get another ariel for that is my understanding. Why were you advised against it? What do you use now? Internet radio?
  22. Just get DAB radio dude. That's what i'm gonna do.
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