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Everything posted by Fien

  1. Fien

    azure paint

    Just bought some azure touch paint, code b17 from holdcroft which has come today. On the bottle it says B17 Blue pearl. I'm guessing that it's the same one and nissan are just passing off the same colour under a different name. Have to admit that Azure blue does sound better.
  2. all setup now and i'm pleased with the result. the interior lights and boot lights were easy to do but the side lights are quite fiddly and ended up cutting my hands a fair bit . this is what the interior lights were like: and this is what they are like now: wasnt sure how to get the unit off but didnt turn out to be difficult. Just get a thin knife in between the gaps and gently work it out moving around the casing. Boot lights and rear number plate lights are easy to work out. both look good although the boot light is more of a token light really. there's no way any bulb would be able to light up the whole of the boot given its size. Side lights were the pain but i'm made up with the result: All in it cost me just over £20 after forum discount from autobulbsdirect. Quick service and they threw in the sidelights as a free gift!
  3. I'll keep an eye out for you then as well. Cant be many azure or black rag tops around so there's a good chance it'd be you 2.
  4. You bought a ZED to go shopping in NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I wouldnt say that i bought it so that i can go to the shops in although i unfortunately have to do those kind of things! problem that i find is that sometimes on the way u start giving it some beans, then fill the car up with shopping and forget about it. next thing u know ur belting round a roundabout with pints of milk and tins of beans flying everywhere!
  5. Glad u like it! Parking in supermarkets is a bit of a pain as it's quite a wide car and also not the easiest to get out of it tight spaces. I'm just resigned now to parking away from everyone and walking the extra distance. The boots quite spacious and can fit quite a lot of shopping in, downside is that when u drive off all the shopping usually comes out of the bags and flies around all over the place. Ur best tying the bags up!
  6. What a barsteward! Did he have any right to fine u for that? Considering the new audis have those led front lights and the BMW z4 has similar side badges I would have said they'd be fine
  7. I really like them. Like the fact that that during the day u wouldn't even probably spot them. Are they expensive to get done?
  8. Looking nice! Have u got a close up of the side zed badges? Looks nice all in orange. Reckon getting the same done in White would look good on an azure zed.
  9. Fien

    z Hopeful

    I'm still a zed hopefull. Just keep posting. One less now needed for dedicated!
  10. Fien

    Rear LED bulbs

    I've done it. Looks good. Doesn't make a lot of difference but it's one of those subtle mods that look smart if u notice. I replaced the interior with White extreme White festoons, changed the boot light with a 4 led 501 bulb and the rear number plate takes 2 the same. Bought them from autobulbsdirect. Cost a few pence over 20quid after forum discount. They also threw in some xenon side light bulbs for free. Definitely worth doing in my eyes although changing the side lights wasn't that easy
  11. Drive round there quite a bit so there's a fair chance that u might have seen me. Will keep an eye out for urs.
  12. Not me but nearly. I've got a azure hard top and was driving round broughton yesterday. My reg is ml06 as well!
  13. Sorry, but I just don't believe that. +1. Are the google servers run by coal or something?
  14. looks very nice how easy was it to rub in? how'd u get on with the possible eye and skin irritation? Not a nice caution sign to have on the box!
  15. I reckon everyone on this forum wishes they had a day like that. I know i certainly do! Nice review
  16. i should do really, just being lazy!
  17. Havent had my Zed for that long but i think there have been a couple of times i've gone to give it beans and smelt a burning smell come through the vents. Im sure i didnt shift correclty and have done the clutch some damage but it's all part of the learning process. your not going to own a car like that without wanting to rag the t!ts off it every now and again. the initial pulling power of the zed has never felt as good as the stats suggest to me. i think this is mainly down to the way it drives however, it just never feels as if you're going as fast as you actually are. Having a quick look at the speedo usually gives u a quick reminder tho. if you're driving down a motorway at 60 in 6th and put your foot down, you dont really get much from it until u hit 80 and then u can really feel the power kick in. I hate this feeling tho as u can tell that car really wants to go for it and as i dont want to get banned u have to back off.
  18. I'm all for people doing there bit to save the enviroment but there's only so far u can go. I'm not going to stop using air travel cos it's bad for the enviorment - fook that i want to go somewhere hot for holiday! I'm also not gonna drive round in a crappy car ever just cos it's more enviormentally friendly. I will however do my bit recycling etc but i'm not gonna miss out on all the good things in life. And for those who havent seen him on South Park, it's worth a look. He doesnt exactly come across well in their p!ss take of him.
  19. i live in Chester and i see about 3 on a regular basis, not including mine! i dont think that there are that many about really. with every car i've owned, after i bought it i've noticed more of them about. i think it's just cos u look out for them more. the best way of noticing one is when your walking down a road and you can hear the sounds of an engine coming and can just tell its a zed. that always puts a smile on my face
  20. Fien

    Carbon bits

    that look on the azure defo on my list to do Totally agree. Does anyone have a rough idea of how much it'd cost to do that. Would really like it but might have to bring myself back down to earth as i'm pretty skint at the mo
  21. Bravo to whoever filmed that as i though it looked amazing! Just gotta ask though why aren't they filiming it in HD. Would have looked even better!
  22. Ray Bans for me! Reckon there probably fakes from thailand but seem good enough quality for me!
  23. Congrats. Nice looking motor! That Aston Martin is a funny looking thing tho!
  24. make sure you take ur time and make sure u get the one ur really after. I found it very tempting to just get one regardless after driving it.
  25. sounds like you've both got ur work cut out for this weekend. Think i might just clean mine, as long as it stops raining!
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