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Everything posted by D4XNY

  1. give the left side of the head unit a slight bang with your hand (from the passenger footwell)
  2. I fitted this to the bottom of the car.........bad idea! When going for MOT the mechanism scraped on the car jack in the pit... Resulting in a snapped cable..... I have taken the unit off so i can repair the cable.... Has anyone got any pics of the cable mechanism underneath the unit?? I just need to know where to thread the cable again... Many thanks if anyone can help?? Dan EDIT: All fixed...
  3. Wicked video, a sure inspiration for us all....
  4. D4XNY

    New shoes....

    Cheers, I know thats its not gonna be to everyone tastes, and its a bit of experimenting on my part, I can always refurb them a different colour, keeping the chrome lip, if i get fed up of them. They are still growing on me to be honest..... we'll see how long they last, ha ha
  5. D4XNY

    New shoes....

    Ha ha thats red metal flake in the lacquer.............flamage!
  6. D4XNY

    New shoes....

    Ok new pics, wont be to everyones tastes, but its the finale of a Summer of modding for me, one handed styleeee Is that enough angles for yer??? And a few I've played about with!
  7. D4XNY

    New shoes....

    Thats what I was going for, didnt want samey samey...
  8. D4XNY

    New shoes....

    Just a sneaky pic, before I get a chance to take some proper pics, its been up on axle stands, so may settle a bit too... they are 20" pilot wheels, et40 rear, et20 front, 8.5j front, 10j rear, running on falken 452's all round, 285/30 rear 245/30 fronts also lowered 30mm on eibach pros springs Has 20mm spaces on the rear, no spacers on the front.. *New Pics, Post 9*
  9. Ahhh that made me chuckle!
  10. Nahh I notice that too, I reckon its the weather..... maybe feels more alive, cos of more oxygen content in the air? Humidity, those kind of factors, must also affect the roads, hence feel grippier etc I also have the days where it feels all over the place! ha ha
  11. There was loads of cars there, was really good, unfortunately too many people, and everytime youd go to take a pic someone would walk in the way! so I only took about 30 pics, could of taken hundreds!
  12. Ha ha yeah he was heading out towards Luton, when I walking back to my car... Its a nice car, I love the wheels on it, very clean!
  13. Yeah basically its camera plus for Iphone, and as Iphone 4 has a 5mp camera, I thought it might be worth investing in, its great for daytime HDR shots, and loads of other affects can be applied too... Its the Nighttime shots that were a bit gash, too much digital noise to compensate for the low light, its a shame cos they looked really good on the phone, but as soon as I put them on the computer, they looked quite pixelated.... But it was just experimenting, I know for next time.... And shame and my thumb in half the shots!
  14. Not sure if this is the right place, but I went and visited classics on the common in harpenden this evening, its a yearly event, thats gets quite busy for a small town in Hertfordshire... Anyway, gave me a chance to try out my Iphone 4 photo software, and I must admit, even though I own a DSLR, im very impressed Its the night shots that arnt so great, too much digital noise, on and my thumb keeps getting in the way, apologies!! Anyway..... PICs!!! My Fave! Rammed! Slammed!! And a few mine, but a bit too much digital noise for my liking..... Ta Da!! All courtesy of the Iphone 4 and editing!! Dan
  15. Ebay is your friend.....
  16. Mines a UK 2004, just paid £245 for the year. My 2.0 MR2 (1996) was pretty much the same tax as the 350 (UK too) As for power, It all depends how new the 350 you get is, the basic rule is the newer the more power..... Upto 2005/6 - VQ35DE engine - 276bhp then there was the VQ35HR (High Rev) engine - 296bhp And then the newest models are 313bhp (I think still VQ35HR, correct me if wrong?)
  17. ha ha i wasnt quoting, its just what i thought.... like any forum, people will either agree, or correct you if your wrong, but thus adding to our knowledge! (i could be wrong, its just what i thought)
  18. I always thought the flames are just a result of a bit of over fuelling, the fuel makes it through to the exhaust tips, which if hot enough, ignites the unburnt fuel = flames.........
  19. I think they are about £110 from nissan......
  20. Have you tried mr2oc?? Before here, I was, and still am a member of mr2oc, and its a great club and community But like most forums, its the input of the members that make it what it is......
  21. Ahhh, here it is.... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 88199.html
  22. This should be Nixy's weekly slot.... Nixys driving adventures, makes a good entertaining read! (But agreed, totally against anyone that does anything else but drive when behind a wheel) And as for CLOD's, dont get me started! Annoys the living *!?* out of me! However didnt they get a police helicopter, and chased a woman, for driving while eating an apple?? Bit extreme!
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