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Everything posted by timo

  1. timo


    hi guys met a few of you at this years japfest just like to say thanks for the friendly chat
  2. thanks guys will do i've got a stage 1 clutch in my mr2turbo so was expecting some differance
  3. hi guys am thinking of buying a 350 after 10 year of mr2 ownership went for a test drive at my local dealer the other day, love'd the car , BUT the dealers car i drove felt like the clutch was going the pedal had quite a bit of travel and the biteing point felt very high, makeing me look like a learner driver the dealer said they are all like it and that i should dial in 2500rpm+ to set off my heel was off the floor felt very odd is this true also i'm after a 296bhp version but a 309bhp would be better can someone tell be when this version came out many thanks
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