wooooooohooooooooooooo, ive left my current employer, it got worst, treated badly and i started to react to the way i was treated. i was told by a few that i got on with when i first started that if they want me out they will make it hard for me, and thats what they did. very badly treated and unfortunatly its a company that this website deals with for discounts i think.
It got to the point where i was being accused of things, and i started to react in ways i normally wouldnt, its a shame that people feel the need to treat others like this to make them feel better/ more important/ more safe in there job.
I was very clearly being singled out, luckily i did get on with a few people which did make life slightly easier, and luckily i got on with an accountent who over heard a conversation that i was being called into the office on thursday morning, also lucky for me i had been in talks with my old boss back at Ford about going back there, the only reason i was stalling is because i need to settle down in a job so i can work hard, and work my way through the ranks, i would of gone back sooner, but the situation i was in i really didnt believe that i was being forced out, i knew deep down i was, i just didnt think it would happen to me.
I even had a tech mention to me that they had noticed i was being singled out, or i was being bollocked for things they normally wouldnt bother about. so a very bad experience, but at the same time i find myself very lucky, for the people i did get on with me warning me about events that were going to happen, for the people that actually made the effort with me and not act like a sheep and follow the others, and also thankful for getting my old job back with people that actually put in more than enough effort to get along, respect and have a laugh.
the one thing ive learnt is that it aint always greener on the other side.