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Everything posted by varley16

  1. there all shared boundaries.
  2. I have bought a house about a year ago, the house to the side of me is owned by a housing association, there is a piece of land next to my property that was heavily over grown, so I requested that they cleared the land and maintained it properly, they did this, but now have left it with roots sticking out the ground, surrounding property's fencing have collapsed as they were being supported by the bushes, nettles have now started growing, and now my property is open to the surrounding property's. I have emailed them twice enquiring about the land, saying I'm interested in purchasing this land, if not then they need to maintain it properly. I had a call saying they received my email, but I have not had any feedback from this, and it's been 2 months now. What are my rights? Where do I stand with this? Thanks for any help.
  3. oh god, ive read it all, ill catch up tomorrow.
  4. Oooooo that's one thing that drives me nuts, people parking over drives,even if it's just a bit, total disrespect, we should have the right to clamp them.
  5. i have one of them for sale also with an original lip spoiler so if you wantes to put it to standerd tou can, pm me for details pal
  6. I'll b sticking to what I know..cars, where does he get his bikes from? eBay, auto trader?
  7. not wanting to do it for a living, just to make the extra cash on the side, dont want body repairs only mechanical repairs, thanks for the reply, appreciate the help.
  8. I have been looking into getting spares or repair vehicle, fixing them and then selling them on. I am an ex tech of jaguar ford and Honda, I now have all my tools at home and space to do it. Anyone have experience doing this and making it work? Any favourite faults to go for? Any places in stoke on Trent to get stock from? Thanks for any help
  9. No, thats all they said, i remember them saying after a customer kept bringing hers back to the dealership im at, didnt ask why, but i can try and find out if you like?
  10. i work with 2 people who have worked at VW, both say they are horrible cars, lots of problems with them.
  11. there the babies, ill pop some of them on, ta very much
  12. that would also help, but i want my doors lol and i want to move house in a year or two, but dont want doors opening and closing when showing people around.
  13. yes that would help, but i was thinking something less obvious, so when we sell the home its not silly looking
  14. No, this is not a ghost thread, but more annoying, my house is on a slight tilt, nothing majorly wrong as we have had it checked out, the only problem is the doers open and close themselves, unless we use a door stop, ive got to the point now where i want to do something about it. so , any tips? or is there door hinges that ad restriction to limit the movement? thanks in advance.
  15. col is your best man to talk to, gave me loads of help with my cv, discussed what my skills are, i went from a vehicle tech to service advisor, even though its in the same trade, its hard to go from a productive staff to non productive, but im doing it as it leads to managment, thanks to col and all his help im now working towards a career that i gave up on.
  16. the site is not live, so if i have to go down that route i still can
  17. Thank you sasha for the help so far, im basically creating a classified ad website for vehicles for free. there is a lot out there that already do this, but i wont know if i can do it without trying, so far its cost me pretty much nothing apart from the domain name, my brother is helping out alot, he is hosting the site on his server for free, so if it doesnt work, then i havent lost much. my question at the moment is to do with the legal side of it, which i dont know anyone who specializes in this area. 1. Im making a drop down menu with all the makes and models, am i able to do this without gaining permission? 2. Do i need to have a page with all the legal jargon, copywright my name logo etc? 3. Do i need a disclaimer to say that any vehicle sold through my site is not owned by myself therefore i cant b sued if someone buys a car and its a shitbox? 4. any other legal stuff i need to ad to cover ones bottom? thanks for any help, very much appreciated!
  18. such a shame, but if it is drugs then without sounding mean, she can only blame herself, how many celebs have to die before others realise drugs aint so good.
  19. its old, didnt want to open a new one to declare my love.
  20. just put some fresh rubber on my car, serviced it and got to say im still love driving the 350 everyday!
  21. my mate got tickets to japfest 2, so wont attend this on this year
  22. they certainly are, please by me
  23. i work for ford, 350z anyday!
  24. the dealer i work at sell snow socks, ill see what i can get them for, may be worth gettin them for next year now.
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