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Everything posted by varley16

  1. yep, looked out window this morning and was a bit shocked, no warning on the weather about it, its like it sneeked in, unfortunatly i dont have a second car, so the Z is my option.
  2. viewtopic.php?f=63&t=44439 theres a list of things that make it cheaper on this thread.
  3. i made a topic a few days ago about insurance, i found what makes it more expensive and what makes it cheaper. you said about the tracker, suprisingly that made it more expensive than having no alarm fitted at all.
  4. lol, is there something special about it that im missing?
  5. Wifey likes the 07 onwards shape but bit pricey i fear. And i like a manual! Will look on pistonheads for more info. Although testing a 57plate R32 on sunday which is also a little dearer. DO IT! lol, the whine of the supercharger is ace, yer its not a manual but the auto boxes are good, earlier ones do suffer with small issues which is mostly down to the software in the module, if you do decide to go for one let me know and ill give you things to look out for.
  6. 1, 5 doors as 3 children 2, A little sporty looking as i like heads turning 3, reasonably quick as the mondeo is a 2.5v6 4, something the wife will like as you know! lol 5, something cheap to repair if things go wrong! 6, RELIABLE.................. 7, something the wife is able to drive AND PARK???, NO BOATS ETC!!! S-TYPE R, which has 5 doors, sporty looking if you get a later model, VERY QUICK and the supercharger whine is awesome, the wife WILL like it, im ex jag tech so ill fix it, there reliable, has the odd common fault but solid car if a later model, the wife can park it, its an auto, can get parking sensors, so its perfect, fits into your 7 requirments.
  7. MMMMMMMMMMMM the credit card is right next to me, so tempting....but i cant, got a wedding next year....dammit, good luck with your sale though.
  8. varley16


    It probably goes on statistics over the many years insurance has been going for. the sites you can get quotes on like elephant are brilliant, because you can spend ages on there changing things to make it cheaper, if i had done that over the phone they would probably think im mad. Just done another test, i changed my lady to a man, and it went from £580 to £850....so im thinking, if i have a sex change and become a lady, ill get even cheaper car insurance....simples!
  9. varley16


    ............and Varley is now a 50 year old female librarian with 33 years no claims, living in a gated compound guarded by The Expendables i could have the gated compound guarded by the expendables, but that would bump it up, so i would have to park it outside on the road.
  10. varley16


    last week i got my renewel through from elephant for my car insurance, £1000....ouch. so i went on there website, and put the same details in....£900, a bit better. i then changed a few things, i added the women onto it, who is 23 and a nurse....£700. i then changed it to park on the street....£650....strange. i changed a few things, and eventually got it to £580, which im very happy with. i had a play around, and changed bits to see what happens, and i found: it costs more to insure when parked in a garage, and then its lowered when on the drive, and the cheapest being on the street. it costs more if you have children under 16. it costs more if your married, if your single its a bit cheaper, but if your co-habiting then its the cheapest. im in the mechanic so it bumps it up a bit, BUT you lucky farmers and sheperds get cheap insurance. Having an immobiliser helps with insurance as expected, if you select no alarms/immobiliser, it made no difference. But having a tracker fitted made it more expensive. Being insured on another car and using that on a regular basis makes it cheaper. some of the above shocked me a little. so next time you get insurance, park on the road, change your job to a farmer, use another car, put a nurse on it, remove your alarm, get divorced but still live with the lady, get rid of the children or pretend you dont have them, and everything will be cheap.
  11. sorry to hear that mate, but glad the Z is ok. i hate drink drivers, should have license taken off them forever in my opinion.
  12. when does the VAT go up again? i wouldnt mind a gas conversion, but dont want to hurt my Z
  13. DONE, the cable i got, which i posted the link above, had another power and earth to charge ipod, for the time being i left these disconnected as im unsure what charge rate the ipod is and so on, but i did the rest of the mod as explained. thank you to the person who came up with this, i now can have ipod in my car.
  14. i should of, but was shocked at it actually being a copper.
  15. theres another topic in this forum, and somebody mentioned the amount of people still driving up your rear end......couldnt agree more, i would only usually moan at my women, but feel i should moan for all to see, anyway...... I was off to pick up the women last nite, in icy/snow conditions at 11:30 PM, and it was minus 6 degrees anyway, the main road through the village eventually goes into two lanes, but because the snow was so heavy yesterday, other road users had just followed the car in front so it was only possible to drive in the middle of the two lanes to avoid driving on snow. So, the cars in front are going slow, and so am i, then this comes behind me, driving partially in the snow in the other lane, and half a cars length of me....if that, i thought who is this idiot, it was annoyed, if i had to slam on my brakes then he had little chance of controlling his car. when the lanes got wider, he was able to get passed, so i looked over to give him "the stare" an then realized it was a cop car driving like an idiot, wouldnt mind if they had blue lights and going to an incident, but no, just driving about, driving up peoples arses. couldnt believe it, i knew if it was me doing that to somebody then i would of got pulled no doubt about it.
  16. sorry to hear that, but atleast its not a write off. i was at work this morning while the heavy snow came, then got home, parked at the top of the hill so i could sweep my drive before i attempted to get on, and then returned to the car and it wouldnt move, so had to go home get the spade and dig it out, and it was a couple of inched of snow. just makes me think its easier to stay at home, than do a few hours of work. hope you get it sorted soon.
  17. thanks for the advise, yes the lead can take 12v, so i can have it connected to my bose and also be able to charge my ipod.
  18. 1. Slimjim 2. sparky350Z 3. sparky350Z 4. yankeesiter 5. djrm 6. ewan221 7. rob d 8. Willy P 9. Willy P 10. James B 11. Rothers2901 12. Rothers2901 13. Ricey 14. Ricey 15. Slimjim 16. DoogyRev 17. DoogyRev 18. mc 19. UNABASHED 20. M9OOEY 21. M9OOEY 22. Varley16 23. racinggreen
  19. ill have a go off this one please. pay tomorrow if thats ok?
  20. can i be pointed in the right direction as i want to order it for weekend and fit it.. thanks
  21. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RCA-PHONO-SOUND-V ... 5638d2add6 or this one?
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