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Everything posted by varley16

  1. varley16


    yer got the original lip spoiler
  2. Hope this answers your question oops, yes it does answer my question, thanks lol. im interested if it comes as a group buy
  3. was never against the war, or never really supported it, just sort of accept it, but this is a good thing,removing a person like this from the world, but are his supporters going to react to this? surly the job is done now?
  4. how much would the material cost to do that?
  5. varley16


    nice try,ill take the carbon one for the same price as the one on ebay (£85) looks awesome, but out of my budget, just wanting to do a few mods while trying to move house.
  6. At the traffic lights outside bbc radio derby building. private plate, cant remember now, looked sweet though, i wasnt in my 350, but in the wives seat ibiza.
  7. varley16


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-BOOT- ... 2eb45d696d now i have got the wedding out the way, i want to treat my Z, so to start i want one of the above spoilers, let me know if you have one and want to sell it. if not i may order one of these over the weekend. thanks
  8. i wish lol, honeymoon isnt untill novemeber, a nice Caribbean cruise....but were off to crewe hall tonight in the 350z.
  9. Yesterday i got married. I was more nervous about the wife using the car for the day than actually getting married, she was using it as i wanted to drive from the venue in my car. The evening do was at the same place as the ceremony, so no need for a wedding car, but if we were going to have one it would of been the 350z, so no pics of the car. it was an awesome day, everything was perfect, weather was great. this morning we had breakfast at the venue, and a friend of the in laws came in, and said "there is a gorgeous porsche outside" referring to my 350Z, compliment? well she said gorgeous anyway.
  10. better technology, use less fuel.........fuel prices will go up just so they can get the same amount of money off us.
  11. yay i had one aswell, well 2 infact, i had a 1.8, then a 2.0 zxi (BA shape)
  12. i want to start getting one together, but i want satnav on it, internet, on screen rpm,mph, temp etc, ipod adapter, bluetooth, basically everythin, not sure how good internet will b with a dongle. anyway, im trying to get a parts list together, any ideas. ive had a search around, and know what roughly is needed.maybe a sticky of info with all parts required? so far the obvious: 7" touch screen. case motherboard, cpu, ram, graphics/sound cards. dongle sat nav software also, i want it to play sound through car speakers, i have a bose system, how can i get it to play through car speakers? sorry if there is actually a list thanks.
  13. welcome, another one from stoke, starting to see a few more around here. my insurance was £600 this year, and i was 25 when i took the policy out, or £1000 if i paid monthly. As for the whine, shouldnt be a whine, when your in neutral and the clutch is up there will be a noise, which is a charecteristic of the car, but if there is a whine when your driving, then there is a fault. nice zed, same as mine.
  14. varley16

    HKS Supercharger

    ACE, good luck with sale, would you accept an I.O.U?
  15. yay got it back. so the fixed/bodged the clicking from back, and fitted a battery cover, replaced the rear washer pump, also the boot was fixed. the clutch they said they lubricated and ill have to see how it goes. the left speaker the didnt fix, the clunking under braking they didnt fix, the squeaky brakes they didnt fix. so ill have to make a CD for them so they can fault it, the squeaky brakes ill just de-glaze and copper slip myself, the rear brakes clunking on initial braking sounds like there is supposed to be some spacers/shims between the pad and the calliper, and its seems like these are missing, so the clunk is the pad banging against the calliper, i dont know this braking system on these, but if someone can let me know if there is supposed to be some there, then i can check if mine are right. so im glad i got my car back after 2 weeks, dissapointed that its taken them 2 weeks and they havent fixed everything. holdcroft nissan in crewe...... dissapointed to be honest.
  16. rang today, they said it should be ready for end of the week.. so that would make 2 weeks.
  17. car has been at the dealer 7 working days now, i have had no contact this week about any updates, ill be giving them a ring tomorrow. not happy.
  18. All sorted, ordered and all in stock, so just awaiting delivery, thanks for all the advice.
  19. moment of the race: PETROV flying
  20. ace, thanks for that link, will get one ordered from there i think. much appreciated
  21. there is shops nearby, but cant get to them untill thursday, good idea on ringing them though, i could do that, and then pick it up. i noticed a order thing on the pandora website, but its just an email, do i send them card details over email? or do they get in contact with me, doesnt make it clear on what details they need.
  22. im in need of some help....im getting married at the end of the month (28th) and for a wedding present i want to get the wife one of them pandora braclets. the only time i can go get one, is thursday, but want to order one online, incase they dont have one on thursday and have to order it in, and cant get one in time. so i went on the Pandora website but dont think i can order one directly from them, so is there anywhere else i can get one? thanks for any help.
  23. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b143/pyro16/0152.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b143/pyro16/012.jpg heres some photoshoped pics that i did for the league that i race in
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