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    Stoke On Trent

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  1. 1. andy James AJ07 ZZZ Paid 2. Stevenholtmufc S24 DWV Paid 3. Buster V80BSV Paid 4. Humpy - VO10UZA Paid 5. Spicknuts: D17 NGG (Paid) 6. Kayleigh - K23 XCC (paid) 7. SHEZZA - B9 MAS (paid) 8. Rhysos - R23MYR (paid) 9. Jamah_zed - EY54 XPK (Paid) 10.SW66TTT - CS Z370 (paid) 11. Terence - T26RYS (paid) 12. Steven.b - HS04SVN (paid) 13. Olly350z - N70OJW (paid) 14. Andy_Muxlow - A20MUX (paid) 15. Lisa Arnold - 07 (paid) 16. MonkeyNuts - AF05 GTZ (paid) Tracktime - 10am & 12:30pm 17. Luke Sutton - L5FXU (or NY55EN Z, not sure which plate it'll be on) -Paid 18. Paula - RO61PTU - Paid 19. Varley16 - M16VLY - Paid
  2. Im not too far off 1,000 subscribers, please support by watching liking and subscribing, Thank you.
  3. Couple years later......project still on going. Please consider subscribing to channel. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/c/VarleyRebuilds
  4. Im after an import 350z rear bumper (square reg plate) any colour, condition not important aslong as it's not in pieces. I'm in stoke, would prefer to arrange delivery through a courier, however dont mind travelling up to 50 ish miles.
  5. Hello all, the 350z makes a small appearence in my latest video. Please follow, once we move house the 350z will be the next project. cheers all.
  6. Hello all, I have started my own YouTube channel, I havent started my first build with a zed, however my 350z will be my next project. It is something I want to do for a living, more the rebuilding cars and selling, I have missed fixing cars and I have a passion for it. I was a tech, but been out the workshop for about 8 years. anywho, please support, like, subscribe and all that. Thanks all. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9VftSPt2FcObLnnCazMvyQ
  7. Depo headlights for a 2003 350z, I want to try and get some used before i go for new.
  8. the paint work underneath is pretty good. i will upload pics as i go along so when I sell it i can refer to this thread. One rear arch had slight surface bubbling, I sanded this down to bear metal and the rust wasnt bad at all (only a small patch the size of a 5p was sanded to bear metal to remove any rust) drivers front wing was rusty, this had gone through so have replaced the wing. sidskirts have come off and slight surface rust under one at the rear, again nothing to be concerned with. window frame trims have come off, with rust on one A-post, need to smooth down to see how much of it is rusty, a quick poke of the pillar and it is still solid, will work on this to make sure it stays this way. Passanger door has a parking dent on it and this will be fixed. rear arches to be rolled and treated on the inside. Once i have removed the spoiler I will do a video, upload it and become a millionaire youtuber (I wish) pics from today.
  9. i have been watching ckwraps, and premium auto styling for tips.
  10. im using teckwrap, gone for trueblood colour.
  11. at the moment im working on the original bumper, i have the black mesh grille and lip for it, cant remember the names of them, so the plan is to wrap that for now. I want the polyurethene n3r? bumper and the v3 spoiler (abs plastic one)
  12. varley16

    DIY wrap

    i have a build thread and will post in that pal.
  13. varley16

    DIY wrap

    i've started to wrap mine, The 350 is a toy so I have time on my side. did you do any inlays? particularly on the front bumper?
  14. possibly selling them, not decided yet. i've gone for teckwrap trueblood colour, i have watched hours of youtube videos on wrapping cars, so i think that automatically makes me an expert. the material cost about £350, and as the zed is a toy and i have time to do it and dont need to rush it over a weekend.
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