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Everything posted by Zee

  1. Take out the Nokia phone cradle and buy a BT adapter, just clip in the adaptor in then find the 350z on your phone & you are paired. Entering numbers & operating is in your handbook and you may need to clear any existing numbers already programmed into your car before you start adding your own. You should be able to pick a BT adaptor up for between £70 - £99 off fleabay or holdcrofts. /edit Heres a few on the bay... http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trks ... Categories Further Editing... I also bought a Brodit Phone cradle to sit my phone in, enter which car you have and which phone model, from here... http://www.mountonus.com/
  2. Would suit a black zed not a silver ...... I'll photoshop some in on mine and prove you wrong!!
  3. They look awesome in black
  4. Have you eaten all the pie?
  5. Zee

    Sticker removal

    I managed to get the sticker off at lunchtime today! A new scalpel blade did the trick, then cleaned off the remaining adhesive with lighter fluid.
  6. Do you have any Carbon B pillars left M350ZB?
  7. Tempting for that price...whats the catch?
  8. Hey Just a quickie, I really want to remove this sticker off the "back" window! It on the outside and is proving difficult to budge, as you can see from the piccy i've a bit of a "pick" at it! Maybe some paint thinners?...altho knowing my luck i'd prob spill it all over the paintwork!
  9. Zee

    Stubby Aerial

    Heres the one I have, Honda S2000 stylee! /edit think its this type, correct me if im worng http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... MyEbayBeta
  10. Zee

    Stubby Aerial

    I got mine off CS as I got confused looking through all the ones on fleabay!
  11. Hey its only about 60 miles from me! I think I'll pop over too, give the Zed its first little run out!
  12. Very nice Zed! Yup 1st thing i did was change to the stubby aerial! Cheap mod that makes lots of difference!
  13. Zee

    Squealing Brakes

    Typical, I booked it into the garage this afternoon to be looked at on Thursday and when i drove home from work this afternoon the brakes are no longer squealing! Ha Ha its like they know!! Maybe they were still damp from the uber wash session?
  14. Zee

    Squealing Brakes

    I think the noise occured since they were washed.
  15. Zee

    Squealing Brakes

    Hey Guys I had new Discs and Pads fitted last week and over the weekend i washed my car paying particular attention to the alloys using a lot of water to get them clean. Now i've noticed that when braking the brakes Squeal but this only happens under very slow speed, usually under 10mph. Should i take the car back and get them checked out or are they still damp from washing it? tia
  16. the ones you posted a piccy of.
  17. how much for a set of tsw 18"'s in black?
  18. The snows probably holding it together!!!
  19. I know where you can purchase some nice REAR seat covers for the Zed...there off ebay too!!
  20. Im really intrested to know how he'll respond to this... hi Can you confirm that the seat covers will actually fit the rear seats in the back of my 350z, because im having trouble locating them. Kind Regards Matt
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