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Everything posted by daveg7362

  1. When I get one, i too would be willing to add my name to the list. It will be better than getting ripped off at dealers. as long as you can't do any damage using it.....
  2. is there any where where I can get a list of the fault codes, and any fixes Thanks Dave
  3. Hi could anyone please recommend a diagnostic reader, I have looked on e-bay and its a mine field!!! i don't necessary want the cheapest or the dearest,just one that does the job and is easy to use. If you could also explain what the differences are, as I haven't got a clue!!!!!!! Thanks Dave
  4. I couldn't wait to get home to see if I had any replies. So Thank you. I find my Z bit strange, being a new car, so my driving is a bit on the cautious side. would any one have any ideas why the skid symbol came on, and wouldn't let me rev over 1500 revs. the road wasn't very slippy could it be something simple like a dirty wheel sensor? Silly Question, regarding the ECU reset, should I do a diagnostic check to see if there is a fault, if there is, i suppose it will come back? Sorry for being long winded
  5. Hi my name is Dave, I'm new to this so please excuse my mistakes. I have just brought an 04 silver 350Z GT drove it 40mile home no problems, later on I took it out to my local Halfords when my ESP/ Traction control light came on and the engine revs were limited to around 1500 and a car skidding light came on. Being new to the Z I pulled over and started pressing the ESP button after a short time problem gone but my engine light (mill) was on. I thought it would go off after a few miles but its still on. I have done around 5 miles since... I understand that if the ESP sees that front or rear wheels are going different speeds it will come on. the road was not that slippy though. I might have stated a few things wrong but i hope you get the gist!!!! anyone out there could shed some light on this problem please. Thanks for reading Dave G
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