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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Looks great bud, I bet you cant wait
  2. The valves may be no return valves. Possibly blocked. Have you checked if the pipe has blown off?
  3. Oh dear. It looks li ke a merc has smashed into the back of a zed
  4. Gearbox oil level ok? Could be a dry bearing makeing the sound. This is just a guess. One of the boffins will be along shortly to.correct me
  5. Poppycock. Its li ke saying playing shoot em ups make you want to go out and kill everyone. It only applies to idiots
  6. Chin up bud. I would have cried a little if I could of had a cool million in the bank, but life goes on
  7. 1) Cerealuk 2) Maccaman 3) Captain 4) Nixy 5) Bronzee 6) ChrisS 7) Gazhull 8) Buster 9) Flyboy 10) Woody
  8. Will check it out later, my phone wont play it!!!! some good tunes on the track list
  9. No no no. Cut it in the shop. Use one of the saws of the shelf and when your done, pop it back again
  10. Could be a first ever tripple yoker. Or the farmer has been doing strange things with that chicken
  11. They email you later in the year and tell you where you fit. The boffins collect all the data first and add it all up
  12. YOUR RESULTS You scored 69/100 for economic capital Your financial resources are higher than the average person in the UK. Find out more below. You scored 85/100 for social capital Your social network is wider than the average person in the UK. Find out more below. You scored 50/100 for cultural capital Your range of cultural interests is about the same as the average person in the UK. Find out more below. Your coat of arms We’ve used your results to create a fun, personalised coat-of-arms that you can share socially on your Facebook page. See below, or use the panel at the top right of this page to navigate around your results. My coat of arms was a games pad and an internet icon
  13. The visage looks awesome http://www.google.com/m/search?site=ima ... 0350z#i=13
  14. That was cool. I crapped myself when the rocket sound came on
  15. Welcome along. Car sounds interesting, looking forward to some pictures
  16. Id rather see Hammond go, or "Mr 911". Everything that he does involves a 911. Dont g et me wrong I like the car, but he is getting too boring and predictable. May is starting to come out of his shell.
  17. I think he was just standing in until new stig came about. He was on top gear when it first started
  18. Shoddy work or he used self un-tapping bolts
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