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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Hay everyone, I haven't even picked up my zed and im already trying to think what to do to it Iv come up with so far.... 1.Debadge rear and replace rear zed for (dunno which one yet) 2. Front lip (any advice on which ones are available and pics) 3. Replace standard bose radio for touch screen DVD player and very later on when i have saved a bit of money, some alloys and exhaust and maybe a bodykit Any cheap mods you guys can suggest? Cheers Woody
  2. Thanks everyone , I feel like a little kid again, waiting for Christmas Cheers Lexx, iv seen your motor in and around town quite a few times over the past couple of days. Im sure ill be at the next NE meet
  3. I am sooo happy to say i finally have a zed . Its been a long time coming, with endless hours sitting searching through ebay, autotrader and pistonheads. I signed on the dotted line today for a 53plate UK Sunset GT Zed. I pick it up on Monday, but im hoping to get it a little earlier . Heres a couple of pics anyway. Standard for now
  4. I think white zeds look the mutts . But if i was getting my car re-sprayed, for free, id have to go for custom. I really like some House of Kolors paints. Make your own, choose a base and choose a finish. If it was mine id have to go for something like a ST orange with a silver flake finish and black wheels to finish it off
  5. Now that looks . How much did the spray job cost? Cheers Lexx
  6. As you can see from this picture the gunmetal looks quite nice, but Ian has spent a fortune on it to make it stand out But when you look at the picture, you eyes are drawn in to the sunset Z which is totally standard Agree? Lmao I have to say, Ian your zed looks awesome, But sunset350Z is right . I started off not a big fan of the sunset, but im finding myself drawn to it more and more
  7. Cheers people . I think iv added a few colours to the potential buys i would look at now. Hopefully this should broaden my search and help me get me zed quicker
  8. I dont wont this to turn into a 'my car is better then your car' thread. Im currently looking at lots of 350s, but seem to find my self looking at the same colour (Blue). But because these are proving hard to find, im finding myself branching out and looking at other colours. So what im after is a list of colours and what you think looks the best, a picture to back that up would be great too, as zeds in a certain colour look totally different standard to modified. Now colours. I think they are Blue Black White (JDM Only) Yellow (GT4 or JDM Only) Orange Silver Grey Gold Red Is there anymore? Cheers Woody.
  9. Cheers guys. Went up to 'see' it today. Unfortunately the car was sold a couple of days before So the hunt is back on
  10. suppose your right. Just need to get my finger out and sell mine so iv got a definite amount of cash to go and buy Yeh thats the one, didnt realise there was a spotted on ebay section
  11. I tried to post a link in the general section, but i think it got deleted? Where should i post them? I would consider JDM but it would have to be a minter. I liked the look of NismoDaves zed, but its just a but too far for me to travel
  12. Trust me im on here most days looking Im after a GT, preferably in Blue, Yellow, but these are hard to find for my budget so would settle for Gray or Black. I have a budget of 12,000 (when i sell my car) or a seat ibiza FR TDi and 6,000 Cheers
  13. Hello all Im currently searching everywhere to find the right 350. Can anyone tell me any good websites to look on for zeds, barring the obvious PH and AT. Cheers Woody
  14. Iv put it at 7K because I am expecting to be knocked down, I dont think anyone puts a car up for sale at the price that they really want. I am open to offers
  15. Heres my current economical motor This is up for sale at the moment and will be buying a 350Z once its gone If anyone is interested in a part ex (my car + my cash) or a straight cash deal for my car let me know via PM or email me at Daz_wood7@hotmail.com http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/showthr ... ost2424151 Cheers Woody
  16. Looks like a cracking car , If you were a little bit closer and the price was dropped a touch I would be very interested. Good luck with the sale bud
  17. Spotted this on ebay. Im thinking of going to look at it next week . What you guys think? Also is it a GT? I think it is, but id like the opinion of all your expert eyes. Cheers http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 3DWatching my bad lol
  18. Yeh, it was only primed, so he must have just put it on
  19. Spotted you on the seal sands road, around 5.20ish. Car had a primed modified bumper on the front and sounded awsum. Anyone one here?
  20. Looks like a crackin car. shame its just a little bit out of my price range
  21. congrats with the sale mate, gutterd i couldnt get my car sold in time to buy this beauty
  22. Ahhh well spotted lol. cheers mate
  23. Quick question, what exhaust you got on the Z lexx?
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