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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    New Rims

    WOW very nice indeed
  2. Woody

    Where to go?

    Get yourself down to the next NE meet and ill square you up
  3. They look fantastic Rich. Have you got a linky to where you got your rim protectors
  4. Woody

    Where to go?

    I would of tried Chris Knott but they dont insure under 25s. But Im more than happy with the bell quote. £200 odd to spend else where
  5. Woody

    Where to go?

    Thanks for the advice. I tried Direct line but they wouldnt quote me online (phoning up is always going to be a big quote ) But by far the best with out a shadow of a doubt is bell. with a cracking price of £684.26 with all my modifications covered Thanks again
  6. You have done a great job mate. But I cant help thinking it looks a bit out of place. IMO the car needs a bodykit and much bigger and better alloy wheels to pull it off. But its your car Hats off to you mate, again cracking job
  7. I think Zunsport have them up on the website to buy now
  8. Woody

    Where to go?

    Its that time of year again and Ive been to the usual suspects. i.e. Elephant, Tesco, Aviva etc etc. None come anywhere near my renewal quote of £860 from Admiral. Im 22yrs old, 5years NCB, No points, I'll average around 9,000 mile a year. Is this the best Im going to get? Can anyone recommend a good place to try? Cheers
  9. Woody

    Fast Corsa...

    Yeh a lad round near me has a corsa B with a 3.0l turbo lump in. It goes well to say the least I had a corsa C as my 1st car. 1.2 Sxi, Thats how I roll
  10. Possibly a guy from Billingham, he isnt on here. But he has a full nismo kit. I'll try and card him next time I see him. Seen your girlfriend on Sunday, near asda, Was going to wave but didnt think she would recognise me in a silver astra
  11. Woody

    my new zed

    Very nice bud. K1 is the way forward. Bungs out FTW
  12. Woody

    White GT-R A19

    Errm I dont know coulby that well, it was just off the A174 near the health club. Im from Hartlepool. Give me a shout next time your up and ill try and arange a mini meet
  13. Coops I know this is really really really late, but............ here is my fitted pic lol Please excuse the very dirty engine bay Cheers again Coops
  14. Fitted mine today, Im very happy with it. Sorry for the naff pics, only had my iphone handy Big thanks to rawbhp and Husky
  15. Went for a little drive yesterday and came across a white GT-R just rolling along in the slow lane. When he seen that I was overtaking him in the fast lane, he suddenly changed his driving style . We had lots of fun on the A19 on to the A174 up to Colby. Gave him a little flash as we parted and he gave the thumbs up Fun had by all and put a big smile on my face for the rest of the day. Getting a regular thing this. As I had a little fun with a Ferrari F430 the day before too
  16. Set of used Rays = £400 odd, referb gloss black = £200 odd other than that you will have to put somemore over time in to get some decent wheels Im afraid
  17. I think it will look awesome mate But if it were me, I would be going for a unique colour for a full respray
  18. Ordered mine today,should be here by Monday
  19. Woody

    Chrome GTR

    Noooooooooo!!!!! Why do people isnsit on ruining nice cars with these chrome wraps Kill it, Kill it with FIRE!!!!!!
  20. Please dont ruin your zed by fitting this
  21. I can confirm that. The sound is
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