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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    One million times better , John you are a superstar
  2. Please post any measurement info you get, Im also trying to make my own
  3. Your right mate. I did Pm him, but Im not buying them. Its unfair to use your wanted thread
  4. Ill give it another bump
  5. Try Pm'ing ZMANALEX or R35LEE, but Lee hasn't been on here for a while
  6. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    Done and done, cheers John
  7. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    wow really brings it alive
  8. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    If I had any clue how to do it I would , If anyone is board they can feel free to have a go, I can send the originals
  9. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    I think once I get me car looking how I want it to, ill fork out for a pro photographer Adam (ARPhotographs) lives in Boro now mate. I think he still offers discounted rates for forum members. If you cant get hold of him on here, I have his mob number Ill drop him a pm once i get sorted
  10. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    Ohh Ive been biten alright. Its just money holding me back I think once I get me car looking how I want it to, ill fork out for a pro photographer Cheers again for the coments
  11. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    Yeh I thought I'd copy . You cant get as close as you got, its all blocked off now
  12. Woody

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    Cheers for the comments I think with a better camera, a cleaner car and more advice, I may have a decent photo for the calendar. I know of an abandoned barn, so I think I will have a pop over there too. Will photoshop help advance the pictures or it down to the camera? Cheers again Woody
  13. I was board today and thought I would go scouting around for some decent locations for a little shoot. Now Im no photographer and I don't have the best camera out there, but here goes......
  14. Woody

    more questions

    If you are on about ones for the windows... please dont fit them. It would be a fail of epic proportion
  15. Not a bad office view . Congrats .
  16. smooth out the badge. One of the best looking fronts out there IMHO
  17. Im from Seaton, but im all over. You havnt seen any in Hartlepool? I see at least 3 a week . Are you in pools much?
  18. Do you have a price list John? You can pm me it if you want
  19. Good luck John. I may be in touch about some headlight mods
  20. Cheers for all the comments guys, ill try and get some decent pics up when its not lashing down. The pics dont do them juctice Yeh I need some more nuts, but Im thinking orange Each to their own mate. I thought id try and do something differant and see what it looks like. They're not on the car yet, might still change my mind
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