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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Most snow covered zed and the most unluckiest son of a gun
  2. Woody

    falken 452

    Big +1. Just bought full 4 corners from there at less than 400 inc next day delivery
  3. How do welcome along. Be sure to get yourself to a local meet, once the weather clears up
  4. Woody

    Snow socks

    How much were these? I really need a set, I cant even get up my street . Got a ebay linky?
  5. Its that bad where I am. At 5am trying to get home from work, both doors where frozen shut. It took me about 20mins to defrost all my windows, lights and doors
  6. Fantastic work, keep it up. Canr wait to see the finished product
  7. Im going against the masses and saying 3
  8. Just seen that on the news. Snow socks are the way forward
  9. I 1st ran RE040s and TBH I couldnt see what everyone was complaining about...... until I got the falken 452s. WOW I love them. Only tested in the wet, due to the weather. But they are 100 times better than the re040s. Great price, handle fantastic. They make the re040s feel like I was driving on sheet ice.
  10. I only ever fill up on Vpower or Tescos99. The I personally dont think the MPG is any different to running on normal fuel. I do it for piece of mind. Correct me if im wrong, but the standard japenese fuel is high octane? Hence the Zed is designed to run with that fuel.
  11. Fantastic as always bud. Cannot wait to see what you can do with the 370z when you get your hands on that.
  12. Welcome along. Put your name on the insurance. Even if its only for a month
  13. Well done on the conversion bud. Make sure he signs up to the forum
  14. Already crossed my mind and I would go for it if I didnt have the orange leather seats, would look naff with them Get the seats covered. Black with green
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