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Everything posted by Woody

  1. This had me in tears. Absolute genius
  2. I remember the 1st shop to start selling Ginsters and Hearing aids.... They were Pioneers Ban me now
  3. None... black mouth, black lip and black carnards
  4. gin tonic ice and a slice for me though the gin really makes the GT a GT Beaten to the punch!!!
  5. Woody


    viewtopic.php?f=157&t=38270 There you are
  6. Sweet. Only 1mill, ill have enough left over for that gold plated house
  7. it always goes up; and usually a silly amount; then you shop around, get the lowest quote, go back to admiral tell them your going else where, and they tend to match it and then a little under as well. its a game, they all play it, and its part of the renewal process. anyone who accpets the first renewal offer without looking is a fool. there is always a saving to be had. Yep did that and they came down a bit but still more than my original quote Maybe they didnt like me
  8. Welcome along. TC off, set off in 2nd or 3rd, just let the clutch out. No revs. job is a good one
  9. I was with them. Offered a good price, but then on the second year renewal it went up? FYI Im with bell, was the cheapest around for me
  10. Just caught on to this. Added yesterday
  11. They all look great, but its the ings+1 for me
  12. Just spotted this on pistonheads http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... %20Concept Is it just me or is it now very Volvoish? Its horrid in each and every way
  13. Ill have a full set Rich, Can you do them in orange? 1. jimgallaher - fullset - £15 2. slimjim - fullset - £15 3. Woody - fullset - £15 (orange) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  14. Niiiiice Black and Red is all ways a good colour combo
  15. Try RS Tuning in Leeds. Best is the area so Ive heard. Dont know about prices
  16. Thats the true reason Lee
  17. I am a massive fan of Toy Story and Woody Wood Pecker. I am also a carpenter by trader and to top things off my 1st car was a Mini clubman traveler, also known as a Woody
  18. I thought F1 was supposed to be the pinnacle of engineering and motorsport. F1 has been going down hill for years, but if this happens it will be the end of the sport in my eyes
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