Keep us informed on this, i have had to put a bit of oil in mine but nothing like you and the others have mentioned. Like its been mentioned it seems to be an issue with the 300ps engine.
Yes must admit that i have no issues either, its just that every once in a while a do a complete re install, though these days its quite a chore with everything you have to remember and backup.
Why not Sarnie? It was a Sunday last time............ or do you now confess your sins on a Sunday morning instead of practising them?............ Remember last time on Sunday morning?
Must admit that i have had to top up the oil on mine on several occasions, which as surprised me. Normally been used to big engined cars i have had before using non between servicing. Will have to keep an eye on this i think
Good price, I picked up a set of black reflectors last week for £9.60 from Kerbside just need some time to fit them now
Yes i need the time too now as back to work tomorrow