Thanks for the points you raise, firstly the idea of starting this thread was to guage what members wanted to do this year, some are asking for Donny and some are asking for Wales, i want members idea,s on dates etc. I am yet to be convinced Donny will happen and i must admit i am very pro Wales. Last April was a massive success with 30+ zeds in attendance, i don't really see the point you are trying to make about it been insular, yes it's a meet for members only i don't think 30+ zeds is an exclusive club!! We currently have in excess of 2000 members and the club is growing rapidly and yes i would like to see a meet with a huge amount of zed's. I moaned like hell last October when we had 2085 members and only 12 going Wales. Ok it was year end and lot's of people had other stuff going on, but i know for a fact that Wales in April or May this year will once again be a great success. Up to yet i have only put forward April because that was when it was last year (Thank God Jacko got the sun order in early) it's not written in stone so if people want it in May then say so but i need more than one person to say so.