Now that wales is over there is so much talk of doing other meets, thats because it's all in your blood now after the weekend.Prior to the weekend i suspect that either you or your partner had decided or suspected it was all a bit geeky, but now that you have done it? well its really rather cool
There is talk of another Wales meet in October,wales micro meets, mike's (xstric9x) wedding salute, the Scottish hoon in September, London to Brighton and also the car shows...........and so on.
So what next? What about a summer event?
Put your thoughts and ideas in here, what about a Summer Lake district event?
I would do a Wales event again in the summer, but this time i would take in a costal theme??
Thoughts guys and gals
I dont mind organising or help organising but for me it really as to be an event that is going to be popular.