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Everything posted by JT1703

  1. I must have a rubbish Chinese accent 'cause I still don't have a clue about what's going on ?!?
  2. Will pop up before work! Excellent
  3. Fabcy a trip to Aberdeen to do mine then ..... York to Aberdeen surely wont take that long !!
  4. Another Aberdeen car I have only had my car for a couple of months so will be interested to hear the replies to this as well ( don't hear good things about Evans Halshaw though ) John
  5. Thats us Cara great to meet you all last night pity it was so blooming cold tho I knew it was you Dawn but I wasn't entirely sure of your husband's name (I'm awful with names!) but I got it right then! Was great to put faces to the forum names. Roll on summer though I'm hopeless with names too ... thankfully there was a clue in the number plate
  6. Maybe the guy with the Robin Reliant will take the 3 good wheels off your hands !!
  7. Me too. I did try a bit of jiggery pokery with the plastic hinge but was scared to snap it !
  8. I'm 38 and I've never kissed a man before either !!
  9. If your dog doesn't have legs and you don't mind it rattling about in the back then it'll be fine !!. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend you trying it
  10. Spacers still on mate. Could probably get away with taking them off but I quite like the way it sits with them on
  11. Cheers Chris Only got the wheels fitted on Saturday so early days yet to be able to tell if there's any noticeable difference in the handling .... wont be long before I try and find out though !!
  12. Cheers bud Was my first attempt at uploading from Photobucket so a bit of trial & error !
  13. 19" Zito 168s ( Falken 452 tyres .... 275x35x19s & 245x39x19s ) Photos are crap .. wheels look great in the flesh ( even if I do say so myself )
  14. Any traders on here sell spats / splash guards or anyone selling a set ? Looking for a full set ( front & rear ).Gun Metal if you have them or I'll get them sprayed locally. Cheers John
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