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Everything posted by JT1703

  1. Just received mine from Gaz at Envy ... 20 quid as well but cheaper postage costs
  2. Before my time too !!
  3. JT1703

    Hot off the lathe!

    Spooky , I just sent William a PM about 2 mins ago with that exact spec' !
  4. JT1703

    Hot off the lathe!

    I want !! Can anyone advise the gear knob thread size on a UK car ? ( failing that I definitely have to get round to having a bash at pulling mine off tonight )
  5. Too true, Albyn Lane is a wing mirror graveyard on a Sunday morning. I still own a flat in Whitehall Road so not far from there. Nice area of town but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
  6. What size of tyres are you running on the 18's ?
  7. As we look on smugly being, of course, the superior sex Wont be looking so smug when you're not getting any *note to self* ... buy Ann Summers shares !
  8. +1 on the driveway. Bought my house 2 years ago and what a difference having my own driveway & garage. It's not only the lack of parking spaces / yellow lines I was worried about but more the numpties who decide to run over the top of your car on the way home from a night out
  9. 2007 - Chinese year of the Chicken - Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia 2008 - Chinese year of the Horse - Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing 2009 - Chinese year of the Pig - Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds of people around the globe. Has any one else noticed this? It gets worse........ next year...... 2010 - Chinese year of the C0ck - what could possibly go wrong?
  10. +1 make a driveout of it. I hope my barca shirt gets here for the final Glory hunters that don't support their local team really p1ss me off !?! John , Aberdeen ( Man Utd fan )
  11. Check out flights to Rome via Belfast from Aberdeen ! ( bit of a strange route I know but I was planning a trip to Rome in June with a few days in Ireland visiting the gf's folks first ). Decent flight times and dead cheap flights ( they were a few weeks agao anyway ! ) ps If anyone has a couple of tickets for the final .....................
  12. ... and if you torgue them or gun them on be careful not to round the nuts if you ever have to remove the Spacers .... I had a bitch of a time recently and had to cut one of my Spacers off in the end
  13. His name is Kev ... good to see another Scot' on the forum tho
  14. +1 on the GM ..... lack of paint ( primer only ) means that it's lighter and therefore also the fastest
  15. JT1703

    Laser Engraving

    quality work William ps still haven't pulled my knob off yet but I'll get it done and let you know. Might well be looking to have laser work done at the same time now
  16. I have RSS feeds on my mobile of weather and saw it was rain forecast. Went to Tesco for shopping then went 'what the hell' I knew I was going to get wet but wasn't sure how wet! I gelled well with the bike though so didn't turn when I could of. Went out Deeside to Braemar then from Crathie went over the lecht road, over donside and then back to westhill via Alford. Very similar to the route we recently did on the last Aberdeen drive out. Did you get airborne over "that" bridge ?!?!
  17. crap, I'm gonna be in Wales....any good hiding spots in Wales? btw, this thread went off topic at post number 3, surely that's some sort of record...
  18. Love this one Apparently I'm a "legend" with my best mate's partner because when I first met him, after a night out, I fell fast asleep on the sofa in his flat but somehow I was still managing to hold my wine glass upright not spilling a drop! I wander again how many people here will actually understand half of the post good work
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