Was just going to pm you re this John, I think we will probably stay on the Sunday too, will let you know as soon as possible.
Golf club sounds a good plan
I was actually thinking that last night when I came off the phone to the Chalet Park.
I am just about to confirm the booking by e-mail so will book the chalet for the Fri , Sat & Sun.
Patricia & I will stay on the Sunday night and if Kenny & Dawn are coming down the road on the Sunday there will be a spare room for someone that night
1. Stew+1 Confirmed and booked.
2. Martinmac+1 Confirmed and booked.
3. Stan+1 Confirmed and booked.
4. xstric9x+1 Confirmed and booked.
5. Ebized +1 Confirmed and booked.
6. Beavis +1
7. Tilly +1
8. AK350Z +1 Confirmed and booked.
9. Adam (Arphotographs) (the man with the cam) +1
10. Zmanalex +1
11. Maccaman
12. Squarehead +1
13. Darren-b +1
14. Lexx +1
15. malross +?
16. Chris`I +1 (+1 is the woman with the cam - give you a good run for your money Adam)
17. H5 +1
18. Cara + Doug S
19. Chesterfield +1
20.Paul T
21. T2
22. G18FAN
23. Jay +1 Confirmed and Booked
24. P19DRO
25. srobrien (depending on new offshore rota)
26. Vasser
27. Herbie
28. JT1703 and Patricia Confirmed and Booked
29. dawnc and Kenny Confirmed and Booked
30. andyzed
31. Nixy and Markie (in Markie's car this time) Confirmed and Booked
32. Richie
Folks , I got the last of the 2 bedroom chalets
They only have static caravans left ( as well as one of the 3 bedroom chalets that Martin had previously booked under his name ... I think ).
Tel. number for anyone wanting to contact the Chalet Park : 01320 366666
Great vantage point to watch the race and some good pics
I think a 350z-uk meet in Monaco next year is called for and we can all kip on your bosses floor after the Grand Prix
My girlfriend & I would be interested in a chalet share if anyone else is up for it
Probably travel up on the Friday , staying for a couple of nights.
1 ) John & Patricia
Look whos talking, isn't this the look you were going for?
Nothing wrong with that look ..... long bonnet , 2 doors , rear wheel drive ... some things just age well