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Everything posted by JT1703

  1. I'm sure Jay will get another one organised soon enough though
  2. Quite a few Zeds in the club from your neck of the woods ( you just missed the Glasgow meet a couple of weeks ago ).
  3. It will be an early start for you Derek. Quite a few of us are staying in either the Chalet Park or B&Bs in Fort Augustus so I would say get yourself to there for mid morning(ish). Stew is the man with the plan so I'm sure we'll get more info in due course
  4. You literally suck Oakley stuff ?!?!?!?!?
  5. I doubt very much that I would just sit there and take it . After the initial shock I would be straight out of the car ( in the middle of traffic or not ) and give him a good shoeing !
  6. If the sizing , spacing , font type etc was correct then I don't see why it shouldn't be legal ?!
  7. I have a set in the garage ... WOO HOO i'm rich !!. Good luck to him !
  8. +2 ... and you'll get plenty of change from 1200 quid !
  9. You kept that quiet ...... lucky git Say hello to Minnie Moose from me :bye:
  10. Gear knob looks great Swarfmonkey !? I got mine fitted last night .. only took 5 / 10 mins which was much quicker than I had expected it to Looks Really pleased with it. Went for the polished Stainless steel with my Reg plate along the top instead of the gear selector pattern. I'll get some pics posted up on Saturday Thanks again William , top job
  11. hmmm can't remember .... think it was either 18mm or 19mm ?!? I'm sure someone will confirm
  12. It'll be straight home from work and into my garage to try and get the OEM one off All going well I'll hopefully get some pictures posted up tonight
  13. William , my knob just arrived in the post . Looks very Spot on mate.
  14. Mine should hopefully be arriving today
  15. Folks Ask the supplier to mark down the actual price ( keeping it realistic though ! ). You pay Customs Duty on the value of the item + the carriage costs. VAT is paid on the value of the item + carriage costs + Duty eg Item valued at £100 , carriage costs £25 Typical Duty Rate of approx 4% Duty is calculated at 4% of £125 = £5 Duty VAT is calculated at 15% of £125 + £5 = £19.50 VAT Total cost of item = £100 + £25 + £5 + £19.50 = £ 149.50
  16. Looking much better and not "over done" this time ! Did you manage to get your bumper realigned ?
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