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Everything posted by JT1703

  1. Like I said, they will probably say I should have started with a dilluted mixture first and then go up in strength as opposed to using it neat from the off. Tis ok, I had to learn the hard way, changed the thread title to reflect that. I don't think the bottle mentions using it neat ?!? I think the very least you should be using it was 1:1 ( ie 50% diluted ?!? ). I always use one 1:3 and have never had any problems ( my wheels never get dirty enough to warrant using it any stronger ). Don't have the bottle in front of me so I'm probably wrong !
  2. What have you bought to replace it with ?!
  3. Did you use it neat ?. Is 1:1 not one part concentrate and one part water ?? I dilute mine one part Bilberry to at least two parts water
  4. Hoped I'd never see the day ......
  5. Really ???? You summed it up nicely ... ideal for the bench ( but a waste of space and a shirt on the pitch !! )
  6. ..... then I was right , this should be in the joke section !!!
  7. Hopefully it is pay as he plays and Fergie sticks him on the bench and never plays him !.
  8. Free but then £150k per week wages to pay for a useless tool !
  9. Likewise, I am starting to get sarky comments from the neighbours about how often and for how long I spend washing the car. This would really give them ammunition ... !
  10. This could quite easily be in the Joke section .... why oh why would Fergie want that has-been, injury proned waste of space ?!?!?
  11. Rather you than me insuring a Zed in Northern Ireland ..... my girlfirend is from Newcastle , Co Down and I think she was paying £1600 / year for a 1.2 Clio before she moved to Aberdeen
  12. 1. Rtbiscuit - red - plain 2. Grantmitchell - 2 x red with silver dots 3. loafer77 - Black - plain 4. hotrain69 - red - plain 5. JT1703 - red - plain 6. Jim - black - plain 7. Maccaman - Orange - with silver dots 8. BRO-T - red with silver dots 9. Rory - red - plain
  13. JT1703

    Turriff tyres

    Ross It was Turriff Tyres that fitted my custom dual zorst and kitted me out in new wheels and tyres recently. I have bought several sets of tyres and exhausts from them and wouldn't hesitate in using them again. Julian and his guys are top blokes and their prices on Toyos and Falkens are as cheap as you'll find
  14. £30 for 1 , £50 for 2 I was unsure when I first saw it but I think it looks great on the car
  15. 1. Rtbiscuit - red - plain 2. Grantmitchell - 2 x red with silver dots 3. loafer77 - Black - plain 4. hotrain69 - red - plain 5. JT1703 - Black - with silver dots
  16. Very talented .. seen quite a few different ones , all very clever
  17. I'm probably thinking the same thing !
  18. Surely no-one can seriously think that Schumacher is the regular stig ?!?!?
  19. That FXX is mental ... 1min 10secs
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