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Posts posted by JT1703

  1. Awesome. That was nice and quick :)


    Enjoy Ross B)


    Yes , very quick !! :dry::bang:


    Ross , are you sticking your car into Raymond to get done ?.

    Mine goes in on the 28th and I'm leaving it with him until I get back from Ireland on the 11th. If you're out there and my car is done let me know how the skirts look , cheers :thumbs:

  2. Sarnie , I'll send you a PM with some info.


    My folks have friends who live in Dubai so they go out there 2 / 3 times a year. My Dad has just drawn up an itinery for my girlfriends Sister who has a 2 day stop off in Dubai on her way back from Australia so I'll send you that for info.



  3. :lol: peanut butter's good too.

    I send Jack through to the neighbours whenever they discover evidence of mice ...and as we live next to the Tay that's every Autumn....but he just goes to sleep on their bed :wacko:


    I'm glad that I know you're other half is called Garry so I'm assuming Jack is a cat !?!?! ;)

  4. @*!# man it looks cold up there :scare:


    Nah its a cosy 1.5degC :lol:, may have to look out the gloves today.


    ps you still got your original bonnet ?


    Yeah I do why?




    What are your plans for it ?.


    Mine has a few annoying little chips and scratches so if yours is in better nick I'll swap you for mine + a few beer tokens your way :teeth:

  5. I have to agree with Chris on this one!


    I upgraded from a (55) 350 to a 370 and there is a huge difference between the 2!


    Im probably not one of the 2 peiople that have upgraded from a 350 to a 370 that someone mentioned in an earlier post, so that makes 3 doesn't it! :lol:


    350 or 370, personal opinion I suppose, I know I certainly wouldn't agree that the 350 looks better than the 370 (unless you are stevie wonder that is!)...for what it's worth everybody that has seen my 370 over my 350 have much much prefered the styling of the 370..are they just being nice?, I dont know but I can only say what people have said to me, generally they comment that it's a lot more muscular looking, the interior is a million times better than the 350, the ride on long journeys is a lot smoother (for those who have been in the car with me!), and perfomance versus a 55 plate 350 is very noticable.


    Call me biased maybe, but there does seem to be quite a bit on anti 370 vitriol on this site, jealously or not I dont know, but for all the GTR love in, I dont actually like the looks of the GTR at all, but would I want one...for performance Yes, looks No..Am I jealous of people who have one...hell yes!


    I to suspect a hint ofjealously in some of the anti 370 posts too!


    dont shoot me, only my opinion.


    The jealousy thing is just nonsense. Personally my earlier post wasn't anti 370 as I'm sure it's a great car and for someone with £30k in their pocket looking for this type of car there are probably very few better alternatives and given the choice of buying a brand new 350 or 370 for the same money I would probably go for the 370 as well.

    I could go out and buy one tomorrow , I could go out and buy two tomorrow or sell a couple of my properties and buy half a dozen of them if I wanted to so it's not a case of being jealous because it's something I can't have or aspire to ;)


    I just don't think that there is enough of a difference between the 350 & 370 to justify spending the £16k/£17k + my 350 to get one.


    That said, I haven't driven one so maybe if I did I would feel differently :)

  6. Cmon guys. *Most* of the comments in here smack of some sort of jealousy.


    It's a new car. Brand new. It costs what the 350 did new. Of course it's going to cost 15k more if you're comparing it to a 15k Z. As it would be with any car!


    Suggesting that the interior is @*!# as well is just laughable. Maybe Im being harsh, but it just sounds like some 350 owners are trying to massage their own egos by convincing themselves that the newer model is @*!#, or has faults, not worth it etc. It's life guys. Something newer/better/faster, will always come out. There's no shame!


    It's funny. I've seen it with every car I've ever owned and plenty of others too, and it's always interesting to note that an unbiased viewpoint almost always votes in favour of the new model. I wonder why :)


    I completely disagree.


    I see the 370 as purely a more expensive 350 and doesn't come close to bridging the gap between the 350 & the GTR.

    I wont be going from a 350 to a 370. My next car will be a Z4M Coupe or Cayman S.

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