The jealousy thing is just nonsense. Personally my earlier post wasn't anti 370 as I'm sure it's a great car and for someone with £30k in their pocket looking for this type of car there are probably very few better alternatives and given the choice of buying a brand new 350 or 370 for the same money I would probably go for the 370 as well.
I could go out and buy one tomorrow , I could go out and buy two tomorrow or sell a couple of my properties and buy half a dozen of them if I wanted to so it's not a case of being jealous because it's something I can't have or aspire to
I just don't think that there is enough of a difference between the 350 & 370 to justify spending the £16k/£17k + my 350 to get one.
That said, I haven't driven one so maybe if I did I would feel differently