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Everything posted by richt

  1. Great sig shot. I like the long shadow
  2. richt

    TVR Tamora

    Fair point, but I think that the odds of getting a Friday afternoon car are greater with a TVR than a Nissan! Still go for it.
  3. richt

    TVR Tamora

    Would love one, if you get a good one. But if you get a bad one
  4. richt

    mmmmmm carbon

    Looks great, the best looking rear bumper. If it had a UK number plate cut out it would be perfect.
  5. The Zed is rubbish in the snow, but no worse than my old BMW 325i Sport. Thank god for our 106.
  6. Hope that you've been able to enjoy it!
  7. Agreed I see you're a designer richt .........what do you design out of interest? Kitchens and Bathrooms.
  8. Some times it is easy to forget what a beautiful country we live in. Fantastic pics.
  9. Thats bad luck, hope that they're able to be fixed.
  10. That's a bugger for you, but at least you were ok. Love my Zed, but I could be tempted by a R R Sport with all this snow!
  11. sweaty? It would be cold as he's un-dead isn't he?
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