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Everything posted by cmm13

  1. Cheers for that I will give them a call
  2. Morning Can anyone recommend a scratch removal company in Aberdeen? I was out at the weekend and another car kicked up a bit of metal that has scraped all of my drivers door
  3. that is me sold then thanks for the help
  4. Hi I was also looking at getting a foam lance but I was wondering if it is OK to use this with a soft top? Cheers
  5. cmm13

    PS1 with PS2

    They will be £450 for the pair
  6. cmm13

    PS1 with PS2

    To be honest I would always try to put the same tread pattern all round however I have had serious problems sourcing PS2 (have been on order for the last 4 weeks). When I posted before I had tried about 6 companies and all of them could get the PS1 but not the PS2. I have however just got a company who says that they can supply a set of PS2 by Tuesday. Thanks for the help
  7. cmm13

    PS1 with PS2

    I have been having problems trying to source a set of rear PS2 for my car. However I am able to get a set of PS1 for a really good price I was wondering if there would be a problem running PS2 on the front with PS1 on the rear of the car. I have been advised by the company (although I understand that they are trying to sell them) that there should be no detrimental effects to the handling of the car. Was wondering what people on here thought? Cheers
  8. thanks for that guys
  9. Alright I was wondering what people thought of the floor mats from nissan - are they worth the money? Is there a better option i.e nismo - if so can anyone suggest where is best to get them now? Thanks for any help
  10. I too can recommend the service provided by CS. Bought pads on Sunday posted Monday and received Tuesday. Great advice and great service Cheers
  11. Yeh did notice when I was looking around that there seems to be a big representative from Aberdeen
  12. yip been since I got it. i have been offering lifts to everyone just for a chance to drive it again
  13. Morning I have been lurking around these forums now for a while to research the 350z. Finally got around to buying one after several years of dreaming. I bought a 05 Roadster GT in Silver with 25,000 miles on the clock (would post a pic but it is currently covered in frost!) So just thought I would join and say hi
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