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Posts posted by kObi

  1. I always like it when fellow motorists flash there headlights to warn of mobile speed camera's up ahead


    Yep, should be applauded!


    I like to pass on half used pay-and-display tickets, some people look shocked!


    i do both of them! Actually just had to flash loads of cars about 30 mins ago when i was out for a wee spin. must be a thrash on today because the police were about with the radar guns and a stupid amount of modded cars were coming in. thankfully none as fancy as the zed :)


    Edit: bah it is a thrash, fast car are there. might make some phone calls and go out.

  2. Kobi, is that a Nautical Star at the top of your spine?


    That is indeed!


    thats weird I thought the whole point of 90% of tatoos out there was to have a meaning in some light or another. to say something about you or identify you for a reason


    Its more half and half these days i'd say, this japanese sleeve im getting, could if i really wanted to mean loads of different things, but im more getting it for the art. tattooists these days are getting better and better and can really make tattoo's look alive. So yeah, im more in it for the art :)

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