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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Car manufacturer Nürburgring camo wrap...
  2. really.....Pretty easy to make a Zed pop and bang on the over run. I don't know, hence the "may" in my sentence. You Mark prolly know best anyway a its your field of expertise. Just thinking that personally, I wouldn't want flames for flames sake, but if it were a byproduct of a focused tune, then so be it.
  3. Check wiring diagram for what pin is the earth, cant remember off the top of my head, but yes, i have my earth on the harness and off the the bulkhead. Double check the pin out before moving ahead, don't want to be putting a live onto bulkhead...
  4. The Evo may have the anti-lag system, also the engine is not a V so it may be easier to make it flame than a Zed
  5. Recently saw a new method of fixing the clicky axle....thoughts?
  6. You could just snip the earth wire and attach an extra length of black wire to an eyelet and attach that to bulkhead, that way you retain earth within the loom and earth to bulkhead at the same time.
  7. I personally would wire and extra earth to the bulkhead if the unit does not fire up with the ISO harness as is. the subwoofer will draw its signal from the speaker leads so you won't need to connect anything to the aftermarket SW output (if your Zed has retained all OEM wiring that is)
  8. Did the Zed Shed Crew go to Germany to recover the Zed?
  9. Make sure it's UV resistant sealant, as it is the UV rays that cause the haze
  10. Used GTechniq C4 12 months ago, still looks like I applied yesterday
  11. OK, but I will "GTFO this relationship before you end up married and a few years later you will be thrown in jail for murder
  12. Pioneer SPH-DA-120, has CarPlay feature for iPhones, works well
  13. Go round your car friends and squirt "bird droppings" on their freshly washed cars It' may be a paperweight, but you can have fun with it
  14. Yeah, ended up going with an Invidia Gemini True Dual in the end, happy with it personally.
  15. DBA T3 discs and Ferodo DS2500 pads on mine
  16. To be fair, with that purple and that green, you should be compelled to do something Hulk rather than anime...
  17. The Varis one is the only one lighter than stock AFAIK
  18. You sure? After reviewing footage, i was indeed wrong, keep right and indicate that way too.
  19. Went to a place before that had Hunter and a guy that knew how to use it, recommended a place that has Hunter to a friend, but sadly the place he went to had a guy that didn't know how to use it and made everything worse. So like Ekona said, it's not the equipment, it's the guy that's doing the alignment that matters
  20. Remake the air dam with garden edging...
  21. I did buy The Division with a Season Pass, but bought it off a Serialkey website rather than retail, much cheaper that way
  22. Husky, wasnt there a season pass available for BF4? Would have saved shelling out for DLC all the time
  23. It's a sign from the heavens to go back to the drawing board. Sorry about the vandalism though, that's not right in any case
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