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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Could get a camera like this.....lol http://www.dogcamsport.co.uk/hqr2-head- ... ackage.htm
  2. Got back from picking her up and if those first 140 miles are anything to go by, then I'm really really gonna love driving this car for a very long time. Only got a crappy pic off my phone atm, firstly cos it's dark and I was shivering from the cold.
  3. Whatever you guys do, DO NOT even think about buying the gunmetal UK model GT Pack on a '05 plate with 59k miles from Nissan dealership in Worthing / Bogor Regis. I've been there and test drove it and it was horrible. The shift from 3rd to 4th gear is strange, when you shift and go out of 3rd into neutral position, it ok, but once from neutral to 4th, the gearlever goes ever so slightly to the left (which I do not perceive as normal, it should be a straight down motion) Furthermore, the interior is very very poor. - There is a divet in the doorcard on the passenger side the sizt of a thumbnail - top of gear lever ally is worn down severly - driver side door handle has got scratches all over it - the ally bit on steering wheel have dents in it (looks like someone with a ring on decided to tap the ally whilst in traffic jam) - in the boot, the plastic cover under the rear strutbrace is all scratched to hell - open the driverside door, and you will notice that where the sill body work joins with the main body, there is a gap larger than normal. They wanted £11K for it and didn't want to drop the price even after I mentioned all the faults with it. The final straw was when the sales manager said: "Well, you wouldn't travel 140 miles if you weren't seriously interested in the car and not buy it, right?" My replywas "Well, it seems to look that way, thank you for the coffee, have a happy new year and we'll be on our way. Bye"
  4. Thanks for the very warm welcome everybody. If I find out that that hand on my arse was male, then there will be trouble, rofl. So today is the big day, my mate gonna come pick me up in his 350Z and we are gonna go on a 130-ish mile trip to pick her up. I hope we don't go all nuts on the way back and use up too much fuel. It's cold outside and I expect icy patches on the road, so no room for silly chav like driving. Will post pics once I have her home safe and lighting conditions allow.
  5. Nah, not in the forces, it's a name I got from online games, and it's stuck on me since and I use it in most forums I frequent. My brother on the other hand is with the RAF Regiment and is going out to Helmand this year, hope he stays out of view of Taliban snipers.
  6. Ah, best update my info...lol East Anglia, btw
  7. Just thought I say "Hello" to all of you lovely people. Going to pick up my first 350Z this Saturday and am really looking forward to it. Hope to see you all on here soon, will be looking around forums for info and stuff
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