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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I'll be there, didn't book time off work a month in advance to miss it. I'm also betting 50p that Darren will be the first on the scene like last time, hehe
  2. £45 from the AutoBrite online shop Tim, is bubbleometer a professional valeting term?
  3. I think I hear CS posting soon....he's the man to talk to in matters EBC
  4. Although I like the look of the EA NFS Skyline, I do wonder if he knows that a newer version of the game is available, lol
  5. looks like the guy inside the shop is headbanging his sushi
  6. hmmm......mental-bent instead of mandrel-bent.....I see where your coming from....
  7. I GOT IT!!!!! Lets just et Uri Geller to concentrate on it........but he might bend your whole car in the process......
  8. didn't know that the water temp would make a difference, I'll try that next time, thanks
  9. Might work, might need to be a little more concentrated. Will try it on mine on the weekend and put up a how too if it works! Would it help if the user concentrated very hard on the task at hand?
  10. You'd be better off trying to get some of that carpet M350ZB has on his floor, rofl
  11. So....to summarize.......nurrish likes fit girls with boobies and watching ugly blokes dryhump GTR's.....interesting....lol
  12. If tht's the case, why not just cut a lemon in half and rub that?
  13. this and overall Well at least Adrian has washed his car since, lol When are we gonna see proper pics of your car with the new shoes on?
  14. Welcome to the forums. Nothing wrong with being "protective" we all love our babies.
  15. I suggest patience and a hairdryer, be careful not to burn your fingers tho.
  16. On the topic of foam itself, I phoned the friendly chap at AB and asked about dilution rate of the SSF within the bottle. He advised about an inch worth of SSF and then top the rest up with warm water. Now am I correct in assuming that the more solution I put in and less water, the thicker the foam?
  17. oh right, that makes sense then. Ended up turning the knob all the way back too.
  18. Woke up today only to find a nice card from ParcelForce saying how sad they were that they couldn't make delivery and had dropped the package off at my local post office (which is only two streets away). Anyways, went to pick up said package in the afternoon and gave my new toy a whirl. The AutoBrite Foam Lance: Pre washed the car a little, using some carwash in the Karchers built-in detergent bottle. Then on went the foam lance and away I went Left it to dwell for about 5 mins as instructed on the SSF canister (Used AB SSF with wax and bubblegum scent) By the time I dried her it was getting dark already, lol All in all I'm very happy with the purchase and deffo recommend the AB lance. Not only can you adjust the spread pattern, you can also adjust the amount of foam (I think the + and - symbols are reversed tbh, when I turned to + it actually got less foam) Thanks to Tim of Envy Valeting for recommending such a great product, I will deffo order Envy SSF once my current supply is depleted.
  19. Or save yourself the 1000 mile break in and find a nice quiet bit of road and do some burnouts, lol
  20. Just filled up my washer fluid, it took a whole 5 ltr canister of ready mixed. Greedy bee-otch....
  21. I didn't know we had a warning light for that.
  22. It's normal, windshield has higher priority, thus the headlamp wash will stop before the windshield will. It's also a good indicator to top up your screenwash.
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