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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. car porn?.....I take it you ain't been to the Chilli's then.....They got so much car porn in there, they should come with an R18 certificate...
  2. Well early days as yet, cos it's gonna take about 14 - 21 days before they even land in the UK.
  3. Well, it's to save Tim the hassle of sending it by post and to possibly save on postage and the fear of having it lost in the post... (Although the saving on postage might not work out for me, cos the trip to Envy South is about 2 hours drive, lol)
  4. Ah, nice one, good to know it was just a minor install error then. Have a nice holiday btw
  5. Just let me know if we are getting a go ahead on a possible "Envy Surrey Pedal Mod Day". (...and no, it's not an excuse to come down there and browse the stock room.....honest....)
  6. If you don't buy the gearknob off Alex, it might be worth your while to PM Chilli Red as they do sell Nismo gearknobs. I bought the polished one and afaik Martin W has bought the carbon one. Mine:
  7. My condolences Mark, my thoughts go out to you and your family.
  8. interesting... Will be interesting to see how they perform. Are they based in Martlesham?
  9. Well, for a diamond geezer, I suppose Diamond Graphite would be suitable
  10. Did you have braided lines put in when they changed the discs and pads? If not, it might be a good time and perfect excuse to have them fitted.
  11. I suppose you could ask them if they could cut off the existing tips and weld new ones on, but you have got to consider that they may frown upon this, as they possibly rather have you purchase a whole exhaust off them. But as the saying goes "You don't ask, you don't get"
  12. Motul RBF possibly? Your fluid could have evaporated due to heat exposure, but I'll let someone reply that knows for sure.
  13. I'm gonna drive up and down your street till you get one...
  14. Your only saying that because I got one And you don't want us both to have the same...
  15. If they do need to keep your car for R&D purposes, then you should ask for a discount because you are helping them out. Never hurts to be a little cheeky.
  16. It does sound great, but I fear that my neighbours might disagree with me. Yesterday and this morning I went to work at 6am...baffles out. When you first start the car in the morning it sounds as if Cerberus* has been let loose and is barking out the back of my car. *Cerberus = mythical creature, hellhound with three heads that guards the gates of hell
  17. Depending how much you trust the recipient of the funds, just sent it as a gift. Did that with most dealings on this forum and it either has no fee at all or only after a certain amount. My highest I've sent was £60 as a gift I think, no fees were incurred.
  18. afaik the horn is a MOT requirement. Double check your wiring, especially the area where you secured the CAI feeding duct.
  19. Btw guys, went back to fitters today, because I noticed the right can has hanging lower than the left. Put her up on the lift and noticed the can was catching on a black bracket. We came to the conclusion that this is possibly the bracket that is there to hold the reversing sensor box, and since it was holding nothing, I told them to remove it. I remember that in another thread about fitting a Scorpion exhaust, in which also was mentioned that a "black thing" was either modded or removed. Both cans are sitting ok now. *edit* updated first post with pic of corrected right can bungs out
  20. after lowering, would it be required to sort the camber?
  21. Only trying to offer an option to soften the blow. Of course a good dose of common sense is needed when using a sat nav. The amount of times mine has told me to do a u-turn for no reason...
  22. Write to the company that makes the sat nav you have and complain to them for not updating their maps, which resulted you receiving a fine and points.
  23. Something that supports the theory of the production teams influence on the show is the fact that the minger got sacked first, nuff said
  24. I'm a fully trained Twistlock Technitian and Shipworking Specialist. ...or just call me a docker
  25. Oh my frikkin god, just saw the girls wash them luxury cars. I cringed, but in all honesty the manager of that place should be sacked for letting them even anywhere near the cars. Especially after seeing what gear they had, should have called a halt instantly. To me it looked like they thought spray polish (think Mr.Sheen) was suitable. God forbid if they used it on the paintwork.
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