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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  2. I think the worst side effect is that after that every garyboy started calling Nitrous "NOS"...talk about product placement working for once...
  3. Yeah, yeah, yeah....all your girlfriends only wanna go because they wanna see Vin Diesel in action....shame he dies in the first 15 minutes of the film.
  4. Wouldn't have thought so, because neither is it a visual mod you can see on the outside, nor is it a mod that adds power in any way. Of course I could be wrong.
  5. suprise everyone and go for a black car with an orange roof, hehe
  6. yeah, agree, the lights are ugly too, I may have mentioned that already tho..
  7. Well, you basically got it, WD40 soak, spanner & rubber mallet technique work for me everytime.
  8. nah, for me the flow is bad, call it feng shui..... I like the way the rear quarter windows are on the 350, the bottom edge stays straight and doesn't have what I call a "sneeze line". I deffo believe that the designer was going for a straight line but then sneezed and then decided it looked ok and different.
  9. when looking at the bolt head, it should be righty tighty and lefty loosey....no? So if the bolts are facing away from you (i.e. on the inside) then reverse that. http://350zmotoring.com/forums/diy-gara ... bleed.html A rubber mallet\hammer is a good investment, but tap it lightly and steady the spanner on the bolt head with your free hand, so you don't risk rounding it off.
  10. yeah....something like that...
  11. I've watched a...uhmmm..."reviewers" version of "Fast & Furious" and I think whoever scripted the opening sequence (i.e. the the first 10 mins or so) must have been a Zed driver. You'll see what I mean when you see it...
  12. ah...I only got this on the Playstation 3....sry
  13. cloth seats = ugly centre console = ugly steering wheel = ugly rear quarter windows = ugly head & tail lights = ugly personally I don't like the 370 at all, even with Nismo clothes on. I believe they did too well the first time round and it's gonna be hard to beat imo.
  14. If it has to be red, then go for this: House Of Kolor, Brandywine
  15. No, No, No, No, ...and no. Your Zed is fine as it is Mark.
  16. You could have just painted the car green tbh...
  17. keying a surface means to make the surface rough (with fine sandpaper), but only slightly, so that paint can stick to it. If not keyed, it may not stick to the smooth surface
  18. People ask me "When are you gonna paint your bonnet?" I just flash them an evil look...
  19. For the Top Gun thing, rather than a flightsuit, one would surely opt for the white dress uniform for a more suave and sophisticated image... Go as a Ghostbuster perhaps? stick some straps onto your Dyson\Henry and away you go...
  20. I hope Brands reconsider in the future when the dust settles on this. I'm sure the Kentagon took a fair amount of trade that night. It was nice to see the more mature owners, and even some that brought their kids to look at cars (I even saw couples with babies and buggies) If at some point in the future the JAPT organizers could ask for a second chance, with the promise to try and keep more of a lid on things. Reassure the neighbourhood that any miscreants will have their numberplates noted and have them reported. Just so they know we are actually trying our best to keep it civilized rather than let anarchy rule. That's why this meet was a trial, and everybody knows that in most cases trials fail, but give you an idea of what to avoid in the future. Just my 2p worth.
  21. Remember tht the Zed is a two seater and there is no wall so to speak between the boot and the main cabin. With the EK9, you'd still have rear seats that can act as a "wall" of sorts between the boot and main cabin.
  22. How long have you been here, mate? 1974 = born in Inverness, Scotland 1974 - 1980 = lived in Ipswich 1980 - 1995 = lived and raised in Germany (fluent in German, due to attending german schools) 1995 - current = living in Ipswich
  23. Go as : a Transformer a Thundercat a M.A.S.K. Agent one of the A-Team one of the Airwolf crew StreetHawk get a black leather jacket, tight jeans, a mullet wig and go as Micheal Knight one of the Villiage People One of the Care Bears one of the characters from Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors
  24. Well, when booking a room in The Dene in Chester (for the upcoming Wales Meet), I did notice in the hotel description that it was "gay friendly"....am I gonna get more than I bargained for?
  25. It's a shame really, I was going to give him\her a lesson in english grammar and spelling... Nothing irritates me more than people that live here, but have not made the effort to learn the language properly. I am chinese and have made that effort, so you won't be hearing "Beef flied lice" outta me. Total facepalm moment tbh...
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