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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I know we've seen pics before, but I love these. Deffo a worthwhile mod Thanks again to Sarah & Tony at Envy South
  2. ...is the f@#?!ing seagulls!!!!! I cannot believe that came out of one animal, must have been the whole bombing squadron on a practice run. And I only had them on the car about 24 hours....
  3. Here's some pics I took that day Sarah seems to have spotted something in the enginebay... ...dunno what she was pointing at tho... Group shot ...and finally a bonus pic
  4. I think it was me, because I live closest to rtbiscuit, but I was unaware of it.
  5. I cannot take credit for helping, everybody that was in the group going to Thurrock services stopped and helped, Darren-B tried contacting a local recovery service while Mark didn't have any joy finding a number for his insurance claim section, everybody helped get the car off the road to avoid any other accidents, everybody stayed to offer moral support. Once it was established that recovery was gonna be sorted people went about their way. I only stayed to make sure both Mark and Darren were picked up. We did score a packet of "Sparta" ciggys off a passerby that was short 11p for the toll.
  6. Did actually go to feel the surface by hand, and it was quite smooth/slippery. I was right behind Mark when it happened and it was strange the way it suddenly broke out. Mark caught it, which looked normal, but then it went all weird and broke the other way. Afterwards when talking to Mark, it turns out that after he caught it and hit grippy tarmac, the traction control decided to step in. There was nothing Mark could have done at all. The car was actually completely airborne for a second, at which point I presume Darren bumped his head on the roof. Most bodywork damage is on the front, sides and rear seem to have gotten away with it. As to any damage that is non visible is yet to be established, but on first glance it looks like steering is buggered to a degree, rear camber arms, possibly front suspension struts and all the wheels have been damaged.
  7. Glad to hear you both got back home safely. Like others have said, the main thing is that you both are unhurt. The car can be repaired, not so easy with people some times. Hope everything will work out and the car gets repaired in no time with the least if hassles.
  8. Back on Topic... Entry No.3 April 10th @ Black Tiles Pub , Martlesham Raymond and I had just visited rtbiscuit and fancied lunch, so we went to The Black Tiles. The car park was rather packed but I do have to commend the locales for their good parking sense. But I think it comes and goes, cos Ray wasn't that lucky I think...
  9. I'm sure those wheels look nice........on a big body Mercedes...
  10. btw, I might spend some time in Bluewater beforehand, so I best park up at the right place straight away. I've never parked at the rear of the cinema complex before so I may park in the totally wrong area. The Bluewater website was no help as it showed a carpark at both sides of the cinema complex.....
  11. To save on postage and time, I could offer myself as a courier. I could take the nuts off the Chilli's at Bluewater and then pop them round yours on Monday evening on my way back from work after my dayshift (about 7pm-ish) Unless of course you want me to pop round on the Sunday night, but your neighbours might not be so grateful (K1 bungs out and all that jazz)
  12. I'm just glad to hear that Nissan actually fitted these items and have them under warrenty, other wise it might have been a right nightmare to sort out yourself. Hope everything ends up ok for you.
  13. GT = Girl Teaser (or Guy Teaser if your a girl or you know.....)
  14. We have a loverly selection, which will be in the boot of the car on Sunday at Bluewater as requested by Jerry. Might aswell bring mole grips and a selection of knobs (oerr!!!) for when you come round on Sunday, then that way rtbiscuit will get first dibs due to jerrys absence
  15. What kind of English do you call that then Mark? It's a universal expression that is used worldwide and doesn't need translation at all
  16. it was sold to martek tho, right?
  17. So I understand that the updates for the "safety" cameras is based on a yearly subsription type thing, but what about the regular maps? Does the unit cover UK only or does it cover Europe also? Do you have to pay for map updates? How much does it cost to have the "safety" camera data updated every year? Thanks
  18. Pffft, you coulda just asked me tbh......
  19. Anyways......what colour is your next Zed gonna be? Where there any mods on the car that you could transfer to the new one? Good Luck, I hope you can find a replacement very very soon.
  20. I hope a catalytic convertor and not the animal otherwise that sounds very bruital! My mate caught a cat in mid jump and it was hanging onto the front grill of his car, when he stopped, it jumped off and ran away.
  21. i won't use glyn hopkins out of principal from the bad service i recieved in there ipswich branch I think the franchise name can't really be blamed unless the Ipswich group of idiots actually travel from dealership to dealership. A forum member went to Glyn Hopkin in Colchester and had a good P3 experience (apart from the fact they washed his car and the minor coolent spillage)
  22. Well, if we are gonna be on the ground floor due to M350ZB...errr...lowered Zeds, then the weather shouldn't make too much of a difference would it? Just bring your drying towels, lol I'll prolly be somewhere abouts there, You'll prolly see me with Krispy Kreme in my hand and a Double Dozen in the boot...
  23. Yes, I think it's the general concensus that the Nissan Dealers seem to be cheaper on service charges in the north. If you were to go to Manchester, you'd prolly make up the difference in fuel costs.
  24. Well think of it this way, Nissan charge around the same ballpark figure than DMS, but the one thing that swings in DMS favour is that the quality of service is consistant, whereas with Nissan, it can be sort of a mixed bag experience, if you get what I mean.
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