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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. ...remember the adaptive ECU boys, the torque might stay to a small degree, but gains will be lost most likely.
  2. Did you put anything between the vice grip and the gear shaft itself? So it's not metal on metal which could actually slip? We used a cloth to help grip as per below pic (sorry there isn't a better one)
  3. Nice writeup for anyone who wants to get hands on with a LSD kit. Nice recycling of the photo btw, at least it's found a use. The main thing that I wanna know tho is this: Does it have to be a specific flavour?
  4. I once had burglars in my house....WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE HOUSE!!! I was upstairs in bed when I heard the noise downstairs, sneaked to the upstairs landing and heard them right below me. Quietly went back in my room, grabbed my baseball bat and then charged downstairs, they all bolted out the backdoor they came in. I thought they were gonna come runnig round the front, so I went out front to head them off. but they jumped the fences out back. Called the police to report it and it only took them 45 mins. Good thing I wasn't laying on the floor in a pool of my own blood tbh. Now here is the stupid burglar bit. They chose a house that had a car in the drive. Upstairs front window, you could see light on and if you'd looked at the ceiling, you would have noticed a TV was on. Why they thought it was a good idea to break into my house while I was at home is beyond me.
  5. Well excuse me for a minute while I drown in a pool of my own drool. Could one of the Photoshop Masters PotatoShop the Volks to my car? Thanks a lot guys and girls.
  6. Just hope they don't stop her at the X-Ray point for carrying a thermo nuclear device in her lugguage...you know how stupid americans can be... (Sorry adam, but you fine sir are an exeption)
  7. To think of it this way tho... The Scooby you have had to go thru many upgrades until you were happy, whereas the Zed is pretty much spot on in unmolested form. Most upgrades are usually visual to show the owners taste (read wheels, bodykits and misc. styling bits) I also think that on a maintenance level a tuned scooby is just more work than a Zed. You have a higher level of maintanace, i.e. looking after your turbo and things that run with it. The Zed is NA, so pretty straight forward. Just my opinion.
  8. Saw one at Nisan Dealer in Bognor Regis, took it for a test drive and didn't like it. Apart from that, the condition of the car was quite poor. Didn't know why I even tried to haggle the price down at, but after an hours worth of haggeling and getting nowhere, it was when the salesman said "You didn't travel 130 miles and then not buy a car..." I replied "Well, looks like I did....Bye" Saw the second one near Coventry and this time it was a private sale, people were friendly and it was the missus' car. It ticked all the boxes and I was over the moon driving away (straight to a Shell for fuel mind, lol)
  9. Good thing we're in the UK then...
  10. If I should ever decide to sell my Zed, I'll put a random piece of trim from a totally different car into the glovebox
  11. mmmmm, you still got those........
  12. When you first start the car, does the multidisplay show 5500rpm or 6600rpm? Mine was set at 6000rpm when I first bought mine and it was only after I fitted my grounding kit, which involved disconnecting the battery, that the rev limiter reset itself to 6600rpm (battery was disconnected for about 20mins) Hope this helps.
  13. What year is it? You might be able to get it fixed under warranty...
  14. Agreed on the magnet thing, just look here... viewtopic.php?f=34&t=21516
  15. AFAIK Envy (Chilli) has one set of 18"s in bronze
  16. Nope those are 5Zigens. But lucky for you, they are cheaper than Volks, and the Chillis have stock at hand. A quick PM to them should get you a price.
  17. Welcome to the forums by the way. Woodbridge eh?, the East Anglia Zed group gets bigger....
  18. Either way it means an early early start for me. I'd have to get going at 5am-ish...
  19. Is it just me or is Sir Alan that much of a penny oincher he cannot afford a decent car detailer? You seen the swirls on that Rolls?
  20. Shoulda just told them to spray it and you'd fit it yourself...
  21. Gimme a junction number and motorway and a time, I'll try to be there.
  22. If most buyers and yourself are going to Wales then that would be the natural thing to do. If you are not going to Wales, then perhaps someone that lives close to you could pick them up.
  23. Ahhhh......Christmas is coming early... Thanks to Adam and thanks to Tim for organizing the group buy.
  24. And here I was thinking your an exhaust fetishist...
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