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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. No need, I got that one covered already... Thanks to rtbiscuit for his vinyl cutting skills
  2. Oh man, totally loved the BSG series, sad it's over, but it had a good finale imo
  3. A yellow paint job. Don't need that.....I'm chinese, so the yellow comes as standard...
  4. How about getting a Scorpion or similar, then have the tips removed and rolled ones welded on?
  5. I hope your "Home Location" isn't actually your home. My Home Location is the local police station, and my real home addy is listed under my name.
  6. Did you report it and have them dust for prints? you never know, they may be choosey, but they might be stupid.
  7. What's the reason for fitting wider tyres to the standard Rays?
  8. Well....I did put the bungs back into the K1....but I think the carbon bonnet might be a bit of a giveaway...
  9. crap, I'm gonna be in Wales....any good hiding spots in Wales? btw, this thread went off topic at post number 3, surely that's some sort of record...
  10. is that the option you get instead of points on your license? Yeah, it is the option as opposed to going to court and getting a fine and points. Just to give you context to this. There was an accident that I was not the cause of. A woman turning into a sidestreet and crossing my priority path of travel caused the accident. An insurance person once told me to remember this: "Speed is not cause for negligence" It was the womans action that lead to the accident, she made the choice to disregard Highway code. But I suppose the local constabulary saw an oppertunity to make some money and jumped on it. I basically then said that even if I may have been driving without due care and attention, I will not admit liability to causing the accident. I also pointed out that if all the participating insurance companies have agreed that it was the other parties fault and all payments have already been processed, then they cannot be far from wrong. The officer at the constabulary agreed and said that this will be noted in the file.
  11. Well, since I have never met nixy in person, I cannot say. I will not say another thing either, just in case a big Gouda comes rolling out my mouth.
  12. Well, I was hoping it wouldn't happen for another 15 years.....
  13. at the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy.... You are not past 35...no way....unless they developed Facebook like 10 years ago and that is your original profile pic from them old days
  14. the black Zed furtheest to the left has a Nismo sticker on the bonnet
  15. We have a winner! You can now choose from either: Chip with sore finger or Chinese roast duck with cream of sam yang ghai
  16. Well, I was wondering.... I know that you get a lil recognition when you make 350 posts on these forums, so it got me thinking..... Does one get anything for turning 35? (350 would be quite an amazing age to reach, but I don't think science could even get us that old)
  17. It's nothing to do with the building... *edit* ...lol, I just realized I haven't posted a pic on this thread yet.... FAIL! anyways, here's my pics from in front of the hangar, you might be able to spot the oddity... no....? maybe in this one then...
  18. Very Very smart ! Do that as a mod to yours Mark!
  19. *pssst*.....the hanger pic was my idea....*shhhhhh* well bloody good idea - although something tells me maybe it was a prohibited area and you had to be quick????? anyone else copy you after that? Nah, they were pretty cool about it. No stewards came running over and several other clubs had taken the oppertunity also (before and after us) But I think in terms of number of cars in a pic, we might have them hands down. Biggest group I saw was about 5-6 Porsches in pose mode in front of the hangar. btw...there is a little something odd about the pic infront of the hangar....can you spot it? It's in both 3FIDDYZ pic and mine
  20. The one with the Volks had Pirelli Tyres on, but what struck me most was that the rears were 285/35's, but then Fiddy explained that it gives him an extra "cushion" so not to damage the wheels, which made sense...sort of. *pssst*.....the hanger pic was my idea....*shhhhhh*
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